May 25, 2011

Orts, Leavings, Detritus, and Finishings

A full photograph of the “Tipton Quilt made at the turn of the 20th century.

Yesterday and Today
Himself: Every day he’s been going to the gym. Everyday he’s gotten everything written before we got home. Last night we had time to curl up with a movie.

Sunday May 22 offers the latest news from Japan on

  • I read that latest piece to the class yesterday, and they laughed. Delightfully. Enthusiastically. I was much cheered having thought this was just a boring ditty with no redeeming value. After they were done laughing, several questioned my decision to use a word they didn’t know. They felt the piece would have more impact if a different word had been used. I used the word “detritus,” and those few who didn’t know the word felt I should have used “trash, leavings, or even orts” instead. Everyone else understood the word and liked its use. That was quite a lively and noisy discussion too. Heartening.

  • Some books leave a bad taste in your mouth. Some images put you off the book. I confess that photos of one children’s author looking angry, strung out, and stoned sporting his broken teeth, made me put his famous books in the adult section. If I were frightened by the image, would a child be scared too. Perhaps I just should be ashamed of myself.

  • Speaking of books, I’ve been reading a mystery by an author I don’t like. Jeffrey Deaver writes his detective as a selfish, selfcentered, angry man. Why in heaven’s name have I been drawn to this book not once but twice. I took it out of the library a few weeks ago…and again last week. I didn’t read it the first time but did the second. Was there such a dearth of new volumes that I had to bring this home twice?

  • Late yesterday afternoon, the Geezer came home early and I was able to corral a neighbor to both hold up sides of quilts so I could take pictures. It was the first time I was able to see the “Tipton Quilt” in it’s entirety. Ruined, certainly. But a historical treasure none the less. It was the first time I was able to get photographs of all the individual blocks too. Frankly, it’s a fascinating piece. I wrote a letter to the Cedar County Historical Society, got it vetted by the store boss, shrank the image so it wasn’t two feet by two feet, and sent off the letter last night asking if they wanted the quilt. I’ll take both quilts, for I photographed the suiting quilt yesterday also, back to the store today. I like finishing projects.


  1. Your quilt fascinating has taken you on a long journey. I think there should be some hard words in all writing. If you do not stretch your readers...we will all be talking in four letter words!

  2. I hope they want the quilt. Such an adventure and story! Love it. Love you too.

  3. The quilt is certainly historical. I would think it would be a great addition to any historical society. The quilts are beautiful. How did you get started with them? Do these just get donated in a box with a bunch of other stuff?

  4. So great about the reception of your piece!! (You did want them to laugh, right?? ☺ )

    Leave 'detritus' in. Dumbing down literature is just wrong!!! and detritus' connotation is perfect.

  5. I like seeing new words in what I read, gives my brain some stretch (I hope).

  6. Well, Blogger woke up during the last post (that quilt jumped right out at me--I loved it!) but this time it's gonna let me comment! Just wanted to say how much I like your quilts. Wouldn't they go well in a historical quilt book? I'd enjoy just looking at the pictures in a collection.



Celebration of Life