October 11, 2011

Poking Myself

All the while I am sorting photographs, editing photos that aren’t mine with a sense of real guilt, and buying images from my photo host, I’m poking myself.

Do I have any poems worth entering in the 2011 Writers Digest Poetry Contest? I sort it down to three and determine one is good but the same word is used in two sentences. Shall I take it to the Poetry workshop?

Inner dialogues are good pokes. What am I cooking for dinner? How can I save money while shopping at a local store not a national chain? Why have I been so energized by the Vilified classical architectural style of Nazi Germany when I find it in Chicago as the core design concept of the city? After a while endless classical architecture is boriing.

I jam another load in the dryer….oh, where did so many dirty clothes come from when laundry was last done on Wednesday? The less you use your hip, the longer it will last, the doctor said. Is standing using it? Is sitting using it? I find I need to make an appointment with my GP and discuss not only pain meds for the future, but allergy meds for now. They’ve gone from $6.00 for three months to $30.00 a month as over the counter meds, and they don’t quite work any more. There has to be another solution.

I read as many of my favorite blogs as I can. No time to note, and again I feel guilty. All of you are friends, and many of you have left notes on my travel blog. I have so appreciated that.

By three, I curl up and read a chapter or two in one of Michael Ruhlman’s books. The “Making of a Chef” interests me in cooking simple things while he writes about the complex CIA courses. Next I read his “The Soul of a Chef” for a second time and while appreciating the artistry of his volume think of the Chefs who take the CIA Master Chef test as totally crazy. Then again I think I’m crazy after discovering he’s written 12 books and I own only two.

Perhaps I need to read the next volume in the series. Then again, I note that many of his other books seem beyond my level of simplicity…or poking.


  1. Gracious, you talk to yourself as much as I do. Do you also talk to inanimate objects? ;-)

    No need to feel guilty about not commenting. Some days we just can't. I am just honored that you continue to read.

  2. Like Harriet, I am also honored that we are here together. I get the added bonus of knowing you in person!

  3. I love reading your inner and outer dialogs Keep it up, please. I read somewhere that women wake up thinking a long train of thoughts and I'd agree.

    I had the same allergy med experience, mine went from $10 month to $30, and they don't work, I thought it was just me, so I'm back to experimenting with otc.

  4. Glad you are reading our blogs. Even though I do not write as often as I once did, I still see it as a form of touching base with you and other.

  5. You certainly keep your mind active. Somehow it all sounds like you are stressing yourself out. Are you? I understand that you don't always have time to comment but if you are reading; that matters.

  6. Enjoyiong all the photographs of your trip!

  7. The unwinding is certainly the hardest part after a trip. The photos call to me in a sexy voice and the chores shout at me!

  8. Hi Mage, welcome back! Your trip by train really intrigued me. That’s something I have never done. My cousins traveled around the country by RV and had a great time. Also something I have never done. There’s a whole world out there. One trip per year might not be enough! lol.

  9. This is such an amazing photo! I can't wait to be able to spend more time on your blog when my life settles down. It's crazy right now with husband, daughter, son-in-law and even my granddaughter sick or in stages of recuperating slowly.

  10. From personal experience I know that jamming myself in a chimney whilst rock climbing didn't do my hips any good and a friend blamed her problem on years of jumping from a boat onto the bank.
    So cut down on climbing and jumping from boats maybe.



Celebration of Life