December 22, 2011

It's Curtains

Christmas still life with my grandfather’s chair, 2008.

“It’s curtains,” I tell the Geezer this morning.

The curtains are coming; the curtains are coming. We are both skipping the gym, oh - no guilt at all, to move furniture around so the curtain folks have room to hang curtains.

I’m allergic to dust mite poo. Bottom line stuff here. For years we had no drapes at all in the bedroom to keep the dust down. Then for another few years we had those hanging vertical blinds to cut off the light from a new streetlamp. While waiting for the curtains, G took down the blinds. It’s amazing how cold a room can get with single pained glass in an eight foot slider.

Today we will get a tad bit warmer, just as the weather is warming up, with curtains on the windows in the bedroom. Christmas warmth indeed. Best of all, I didn’t lose anything or forget anything yesterday. That’s heartwarming.


  1. Lovely still life always. Looking forward to seeing the new curtains.

  2. Sometimes forgetting is good. I have the same allergy to mite dust. Don't you still have to get the curtains cleaned? I have bare windows, windows with lace curtains I can throw in the washer and a curtain to block the outside spotlight on the building next door. I run filters in all the open bedrooms. I take Singulair. Still i have a swollen nose every morning. Do you have a secret? Dianne

  3. Sounds like your curtains will be a Christmas gift that keeps on giving. Love the picture of your grandfather's chair.

  4. That is such a beautiful room! You have such a lovely home!

  5. Lovely old chair. Dust mites are the bain of my life as well. I have blinds up and vacuum it. It's amazing what even a light curtain will do to warm the place up. You'll be all set for Christmas!

  6. congrats on the new curtains. you must post a photo of them.

  7. Just make sure you vacuum often and that should get ride of dust mites. I have tiny spiders that leave spider spit every where! It becomes hard as cement. I need to put drapes in the bedroom. Hubby is lobbying for uncovered windows another year...but I would like the softness of drapes.

  8. As I get older I find I am sensitive to many things, fortunately not dust mites. I'm sure I have lots of them.
    Enjoy the new curtains.



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