December 20, 2011


From Christmas Past: 2004 Front Door.

Marta will come Thursday, so the house will be cleaned. The curtains are coming Thursday too. We will be warmer in the bedroom….golly, there’s a lot of warmth leaving the house through single pained glass.

I pick the ham up at noon on Saturday the 24th. Perhaps I need to get off my laziness and buy the rest of Christmas Eve dinner. The Geezer wants the 1950’s grapefruit and avocado salad. I want a little tossed green Waldorf. There’s no reason we can’t have both….and I already have the celery. What more can one want. I’m happy with progress not perfection this holiday.


  1. Sounds like the holidays are shaping up nicely...very nicely for you....Merry Christmas.

  2. Yum, I love Waldorf salad. I wish you a Merry Christmas.

  3. Beautifully decorated door!!! You are an artist! no small compliment...

  4. My granddaughter (4) is visiting. We are having doughnuts with sprinkles for breakfast and then she is helping make my birthday cake in the same afternoon and will have a big slice of that! No need for healthy food this time of year.

  5. Grapefruit and avocado? Sounds interesting...what else is in it? And don't need to get off your laziness! Enjoy yourself. :)

  6. I know what you mean about glass and cold. Half of our family room is glass - and no double glazing - just two layers of curtains which in the depths of winter stay partially closed. The lady in the portrait looks like one of the Bronte sisters.
    Love the door.

  7. You must have been reading the same little book I've been reading, "Simplying Your Christmas." Sounds like a lovely meal shaping up there.

  8. How did I miss this yesterday? Oh wait! Damn iPhone again!



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