January 2, 2012


When I let the soup boil over, the drip pan under the boiler turned black. Really black. Energetic scrubbing wore off the cheap layer of chrome and turned the pan to rust. So yesterday we set off into the world to not only return G’s too small sweat shirts and get new, but to find new drip pans for the stove.

I brought my camera. Liberated was the way I felt.

No trouble with the sweatshirts at JCPenneys. Then to Tarjay which had either too small or black burner drip pans. Nope. Home Depot…which had the right size and color at five bucks for each one or thirteen for a set of four. We bought the set.

We kept window shopping tho. The sun was out, the fog had burned off, and we were on a roll….limited only by my hip. After that bad reaction I had to pain pills several months ago, I still am not even taking Tylenol or Aleve more than once a week. I won’t build up a tolerance. So I’m limited in my walking.

The Disney store, one strip mall down the street offered few opportunities for photography. As I wandered their much reduced and very high priced stock, I spied the Mickey Mouse sippy cups. The ludicrousness of those rows of unsold bottles struck my funny bone as did the rows of padded bras at JCPenney’s.

I’m hoping I can bestir himself out into the world today also. There’s got to be some wonderful photo opportunities waiting just next to the horizon.


  1. Great eye, great funny bone. So sorry about that hip. Wait, here it comes, hip- hip- happy New Year!

  2. Your description tickles my funny bone! Glad you got some good walking in and the new drip pans as well. Glad you are still there and blogging away, and that your photographs are just as wonderful as always.

    I have been glad to keep up with you a little bit on Facebook, but hope that this new year will allow me more time back for blogging and connection. You make me smile, and I am happy to know you. So there.

    Happy 2012!

  3. I love it when a "disaster" makes for a chance to get something new.

  4. Wish I felt good enough for going out and about for some photography...but that is not going to happen today. Feeling much better, but not enough to win a war.

  5. You are an inspiration. Yesterday, I got David to go to Tarjay to look for sweats. He found some too.

  6. Wow -- the photo of the sippy cups is great! I love the colors and the "ordered chaos" of how they're arranged.

  7. I love how you find great colors and make it an art piece even when it is something not that unusual.

  8. Thank you! I was trying so hard to decipher what that picture was! (I look forward to seeing what you've got to show us every day.) Also loved the hangers yesterday. So glad you're happy with the camera. It shows.



Celebration of Life