May 30, 2012

Beginnings and Endings

…plus links to the Coastal Defenses…..

Coastal Defenses:  Path leading to Battery Spencer on the Marin Headlands.

I took that essay on Coastal Defenses to class not fully finished.  And boy did they shred me.  And boy did I deserve it.  I had dearly wanted to take something to this last Tuesday class, and that essay was the work I had in hand. 

Yes, I came home and spent all afternoon cutting in corrections.  That’s what we used to call the editing in of corrections on newspapers.  We actually took the word or phrase, and cut out the newly reformatted stuff with an exacto knife before putting it on top of the mistake.  I got that all done, reposted it here and on Postcards, and ready to take it to the Thursday Group.  I will miss the friendships and exacting criticism from this class. It's been special.

It was off to Costco for printer ink.  A good excuse to shop.

It wasn’t a good day for a diet….not at all.  Cake at class….and I brought home the leftovers, and after a slice of pizza at Costco, we had one of those very berry things.  At least we shared it.  No M&M’s for last night’s Tuesday Movie Night tho.  One For The Money is still charming but a little slow. 

Below are the links I used to create my small summary of Coastal Batteries.  Just a few years ago, there was not much interest in these architectural treasures.  Today the list of links can easily be endless.  I hope if your interest was aroused you might follow one of the links to find out more information.

Links to American Coastal Defenses

Golden Gate Recreation Area: Fort Baker: includes Batteries Yates, Spencer, Cavallo, and Duncan.


  1. It never feels good to be shredded.

  2. This is so fascinating. The Goodbooks link might be working. Why don't you list your sources, i.e, books, etc.

    I love the stimulation of a classroom. I shall miss that.


  3. I love hearing about to your classes. If I ever get organized, I might go back to school -- I can attend my alma mater for free.



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