May 27, 2012

Memorial Day Visits - plus Movie Review

...and bits of my week in Sunday Shorts....

  • It was a wonderful honor to have Lessa give me a token at the Friday night meeting.  She brought her sponsor and my friend May.  It turned out that we were celebrating May’s birthday too.  Granddaughter came and did as she wished.  Lessa finally took her outside, and we too got our wish…a wiggle free meeting.  Afterwards, the BBQ was a huge success.  We all are getting really fat again, but we thoroly enjoyed the BBQ anyway.

  • Kennett, one of our preeminent national poets, has been poetically stuck for years.  A problem in her brain not only took away her memory, but it took away her ability to write poems.  She brought a poem to the poetry group this week….a new one….and it was a very exciting few moments while she read it in honor of Marion B and fellow poet group member Martha.

  • Our dentist will take the new Aetna PPO.  Halleluiah.  We have been without dental insurance for a whole year, and this was the year that I broke my bridge and had to pay cash for the repair.  Then again, they could repair it.

  • Life moves on.  Bah Humbug.  Late yesterday afternoon, G’s company announced that it had suddenly changed insurances.  We will have that good dental only one more month.  Blue Cross…that horror story of insurance company, starts next month as his insurance company for the next year.  Something must have happened that we know nothing about, but I am singularly unimpressed to have G suddenly covered by Blue Cross.  Gee, that was fast.

  • Petrol usage has gone from three tanks a week in G’s car Myrtle, to two tanks a month total at $45.00 bucks a tank.  Grumpy is a hundred bucks a tank.  We are alternating the car and truck so both get driven.  Gas remains almost a buck a gallon higher here than anywhere else in the country.

  • Dear blogging friends.  Yes, I have read all of your entries.  No, I have been abysmally short on time and not left notes.  Yes, I do so love your gardens, the kittens which I wish I could have again, the cows…especially the shot of happy young-uns jumping in the spring grasses.  I’m so glad you let me in your lives even if I don’t leave long, careful notes.

  • Fatnesses.  That’s us.  We are making a stop at JCPenney’s today to buy both of us a pair of jeans one size bigger.  Yes, I’m ashamed.  That’s why we are buying only one pair each.  Yes, we’ve been going to Ross and haunting the pant’s isles.  Yesterday the Ross in the valley offered only shorts or half shorts.  Not for me, thank you, when it is cold here at the beach and I want long warm pants.

  • We are off to “Men In Black” this morning.  The reviews aren’t lively, but both of us like this series so why not go see it.  We will buy pants, bread, fiber, and mayo while we are out in this glorious sunshine.  Yes, there’s sunshine out there after cold, fog, and drizzle.

  • I finished reading ALL the Dick Francis mysteries, and I can honestly tell you that they were wonderful.  Some of the best writing around.  I've now started on the early Dorothy Gilman Mrs. Polifax mysteries, and they too are good.  Her voice is so different that it took me a while to get into them...even rereading.  But they do seem new to me....who knows what lurks.....
  • Photos are from memorial day jaunts up to Fort Rosecrans Cemetery.  Top:  Boy Scouts placing the flags on the graves, 2010.   2. A lady bearing flowers, 2011.    3. G visiting his parents, 2011.  3. Dale’s marker in the newly revamped, straightened up, grassy, cut down the trees Fort Rosecrans, 2012.  4. Garrison sized flag flown at the Medal of Honor circle, Fort Rosecrans, 2012.

  • MIB 3 is a delightful romp.  We enjoyed the heck out of it and left the theater smiling.  Nothing deep or important here at all just a chance to see some old favorites at work...which they did flawlessly.  Spielberg produced, we enjoyed, and we will buy it at the 12 buck level when it comes out.


  1. Great photos!!!!

    Sounds like life is treating you well!!!

  2. I loved the Mrs. Pollifax stories. I usually pictured Helen Hayes in the role. 8-)

  3. You stay so busy as always...sorry about the change in's all about the premiums these days...not what the ins. company offers in coverage...

  4. Fat is a right-conspiracy. I think!

  5. Insurance woes miraculously disappear when you finally are old enough for Medicare. A one-payer system is so much better.

  6. Good news re Kennet. I hope she continues to improve.

  7. Staying busy and engaged is the only way. Love your adventures!

  8. Too bad you had to buy 1 size larger instead of 1 size smaller. Lol. I have decided to go on another diet. Doctor told me if I lose weight, my HBP will drop and my sleep apnea will disappear, too. Good incentives!

  9. If I ever find the time again, maybe we will get out to a movie. Love WW. Don't want to jinx it but I am doing well. D.

  10. Your photos are always so crisp and beautifully framed, Mage.



Celebration of Life