June 14, 2012

I Cry

…………………………………………I cry.  For hours it seems the pages
…………………………………………in my hand catch at my heart, and I press
…………………………………………the book open in my lap as I wipe
…………………………………………my eyes, and wipe them again till they’re raw

…………………………………………as I keep on reading.  Sniveling, wetting
…………………………………………my shirt sleeves, my shirt hem with my tears,
…………………………………………repeatedly I bend the spine of this
…………………………………………bit of creativity, this leap of

…………………………………………faith on paper that so stirs my soul
…………………………………………that tears seem the only answer
…………………………………………my nose blowing a clarion call
…………………………………………only after I read through to the end

…………………………………………of someone else’s passionate dreams.
…………………………………………Despite myself, I cry.


  1. I do that too! Love this poem, it really expresses how a reader feels living that life of another even if only for a few hours...

  2. I cry too, sometimes over a friend's blog. Dianne

    PS hopefully you won't have to sign on again soon. Don't know what WP is up to.

  3. What power to touch the heart of others that we do not even know.

  4. You are an absolute wonder, my friend. I am so very proud of you.

  5. Wow! Mage! This is just amazing. You have such a gift of finding the right words.

  6. This poem is the best. Can't imagine anyone not liking or relating to it.



Celebration of Life