June 6, 2012

Morning Routines

Windowsill, 1982.

Routines.  In the ‘80’s, I would curl up next to my window with my cup of coffee and a book.  Now in retirement, I truly appreciate them.  Coffee, newspaper with the TV news in the background…that sort of routine.  Up, blog, off to the gym, and my day is off and running. 

Yesterday, this first free Tuesday, I drove over to Jo-Ann’s fabric for seam binding and toggle thingies so I could finish off G’s steam punk vest.  Toward the end of the afternoon, I was sewing and broiling that Joy of Cooking Lemon Chicken, and sewing, and preparing the no fuss corn, and rushing hither and yon when I ran into the open oven door. 

Skin flapping, blood running, and saying things I shouldn’t, I staggered upstairs to the band-aids and repair.  The problem is that these skin injuries take a long time to heal.  No open wounds in the pool either.  Just walking to the poling place was a huge struggle, tho I can do laps for an hour in the pool, so I knew I was in trouble before the oven door leapt out to do me in.

Frankly, I need my morning routines to stay alive.  I have no desire to fade away into COPD and respiratory failure and my young age, thank you.  My struggle to get home yesterday was a huge red flag.  I'll be going in with G in the mornings until my leg heals....so I may keep both the gym and the pool going afterwards.

The corn came out absolutely perfect.  I sliced the end off before instead of afterwards, but it still worked perfectly.  No silk, no struggle, no fuss, no muss….thank you Alice for this great tip.  There are notes under the video on YouTube that say you can use less time.  I think it all has to do with the power of the microwave.  Try it and let me know.  Yup, I’m smiling.


  1. That was amazing! I am going to try it next time I buy corn.

    I'm not sure I'd be happy with the "handle" cut off. I noticed he was wearing "Ove-gloves"; I use towels.

  2. Thank YOU, Mage. I'm going to experiment more with this corn shucking thing. Short cuts are a way of life for Hubby and me in these retirement years!

  3. Oh my! What an amazing tip. My grandmother taught my mother and aunts to shuck corn sitting on the front steps. This tradition has been passed through the family - children and grandchildren. No one knows why we all continue to feel that we must move to the front porch to clean our corn. I guess it is now in our DNA.

  4. Oh ouch.. poor you. I hope you heal quickly.

    I have seen this video somewhere, before.. filed it away mentally and promptly forgot about it. Thanks for the reminder now that corn season is returning.

  5. Wow, this must be the most helpful hint I have found in a while. I assume you must still cook the corn? Or is it also cooked?

    Thanks a bunch,

  6. FEEL BETTER - what a horrible injury!

    I'm joining the crew in planning to try that corn tip. It looks so easy!

  7. Shin injuries take forever to heal. I suppose it's because the flesh is thin there. You don't need an infection so be very careful.

  8. Poor you! I hope all is healing well.
    Another reason to get a microwave. That's amazing!

  9. I cook my corn only 3 minutes per ear. I have a high power microwave. So I'm sure you are right.

    Sorry about the injury. I find healing anything is tough at my age. Hugs to you.

  10. My stomach actually turned when I read that you ran into that door. OUCH!!! Crap like that happens to me -- to us all -- when we're busy and rushing. Be careful with that wound.

  11. Skin flapping? Arrrghhh! I sure hope it heals quickly. It sounded utterly painful.



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