June 28, 2012

On Our Way

Tonight dinner with the Captain.  Delightful, and she let G find two Geocaches.  Dear Lady.  Today too, we learned that Friday grandson Aaron leaves for Afghanistan.  We worry lots.  “Send canned goods,” he told us.  

I didn’t understand. 

“Even Spam is better than MRE’s.” 

I understood.  He spends all his time in a hooch in the middle of somewhere.  Out there he eats MRE’s.

I’ll be eating Vegan for the next few days.  I don’t mind.  I get to spend the time with Bee and Mikey, seeing http://maritimematters.com/2012/06/stranded-an-exhibit-of-photographs-by-martin-cox/ >“Stranded,”a photography show by Martin Cox, laughing, and listening too.  Perhaps Listening is the most important thing I can do while I am there.  Besides eating Vegan.


  1. Sending best thoughts to the young man who is going to that desert. I HATE war and want it all to end soon. I do like my meat and know I should eat less. A little vegan now and then is healthy.

  2. I had such a good time! It's always grand fun. The food was good too but it made me a bit sick. Think I am developing a gluten intolerance. No biggie. It was fun to watch Geezer find the treasures. He's good!

  3. Glad you're having fun!!!!!

    And I've added Aaron to my list of soldiers for whom I pray.

  4. Good luck to Aaron....hope his time goes quickly and safely. I envy you the dinner with the Captain. I am sure it was wonderful....even if G. found all the caches....

  5. Have fun while you are away. BTW thanks for the tip about the sheets. Slept well last night, and in this 100+ weather too.

    Godpseed to Aron.

    Nephew, cousin and stepson out there. Stepson is a corpsman.

  6. Prayer going up for Aaron. Wishing you a great vivit and tasty vegan fare.

  7. Have a wonderful trip. Vegan is good, but dairy is too much a part of my life.

    Aaron looks like a younger version of G. Hope his deployment goes well.

  8. All my wishes for Aaron's safety.



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