June 16, 2012

To the County Fair

All Fair images 2011.

We are off to the fair.  There’s a lot of back county, so we will see horses and sheep, cows and pigs, and fowl of all sorts.  There’s never enough time to see everything we want to see.  If we leave before nine, we can grab a loaf of bread before we go, we are out, and we can find easy parking in the handicap section nearest the main gate.

I want to take the time to see the craft booths this year, then art, woodworking, photography, the commercial buildings, and critters before quilting and the midway. 

I’m not mentioning fair food.

The diet starts back into action tomorrow. 

And there will be fresh, 2012, fair pictures for months….if they are any good.


  1. Sorry I haven't visited for awhile. The fair sounds great. I'm looking forward to the pictures.

  2. Looks like there's a lovely day in store for you. Have fun.

  3. Hope the new fair pictures can compare to these colorful photos.
    Have fun...hope you can manage all of that looking and walking.

  4. I love the first shot. What bright colors. Were all the men wearing ghastly purple shirts? Looking for the recipe on cooking corn in the microwave. Picked up two ears for our supper.

  5. The fair! I cannot handle it anymore. Too much stimulation for my unfocused brain!

  6. You do take the MOST amazing photos, Mage!

  7. I must say that my diet of only having a glass of wine at the week-end doesn't seem to have had any effect on my lollopyness.
    It must be jelly 'cos jam don't shake like that:)



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