July 2, 2012

Day Two in LA

Above: Bee and Mikey.  Below:  Bee in her outdoor dining room.

Himself:  He slept well and later in the day watched a truly awful sci-fi picture.  We had fun shopping tho, and he found several shorts in his size.

Herself:  Found one t-shirt with a lower round neckline.  Triumph.  Tiny hole still in leg….starting back into the pool today anyway. 

Reading:  Didn’t. 

Balance:  Keeping yestereday slow.

The second morning was delightfully slow.  Coffee on their two story deck room, looking at art…her whole new show output.  Many pieces were powerful and passion filled, yet sometimes she gets so caught up in the process that technique becomes sameness.  It was very exciting to see all this work….large scale for her and in a new technique.  This is a very brave venture.

They both talked about life after Mikey died.  She will move into the studio and rent the big house, they both told me.   I will sell everything, she said.  I suggested putting it all in storage.  It was a beautiful morning for such a heart breaking conversation. 

We had been to Home Depot the day before to get color swatches for the outdoor dining room.  Briefly this morning, Bee slapped color on the stucco and some on the table top.  Fun stuff for two artists.  Whatever she does is fine with Mikey.  Around noon, they drove me to the train depot, and I headed south aboard a completely filled car.  Ahead of me was a crying baby, across was a group of young, loud drunks, and next to me was a charming lady come down the coast to babysit her son’s animals while they vacationed. 

It was a wonderful two day vacation for me.   



  1. I'm confused. Are there two people named Mikey? I am not tracking. Then again, I have not had coffee yet.

  2. There is nothing like a two day break to make one appreciate life a deux.

  3. I love the way artists can make everything so lovely. I would like to see some of her work, sometime. I know that artists cannot always post due to sales issues.

  4. Oh I wish I was an artist. I think they are smashing. Dianne

  5. A poignant and timely visit.

  6. There is much to think about in ths post.

  7. This is such a sad post. I'm glad you're enjoying your visit.



Celebration of Life