August 15, 2013

It Takes A Village

Don, 1999.

My very special friend Don DeLlamas died on the 31st of July.  

My youngest commented that it took a village to raise my two kids, and Don was an influential part of this village.  I missed the Obituary that was run in our local paper.  I thank his late in life wife for posting the notice for those of his family down here.  I thank Timothy for calling me yesterday, and, for our large extended family, this morning I posted an album of photographs on my Facebook page.

If the link doesn't work, remember that I cannot friend you unless I know your name.

Don DeLlamas came back from Vietnam and started college at Southwestern College in 1965.  There was a large crowd of us creative folks who became family and created a village.  Most importantly was Joleen K McP.  Dance, writers, sculptors, painters, and printers were all represented, and all loved my kids.

It took a special support system of all of us to create something special in the 1960’s art world.  A family.  Don was a part of my family.  I loved Don.

With Bobbie's permission, I have posted a photo album of Mikey images on facebook today.


  1. I'm sorry, Mage. I'm so consistently surprised at life's both tenacity and precariousness.

    Am checking out your Facebook page.

  2. Actually, no I'm not checking out your F-book page. Could you 'friend' me?

  3. Oh Mage, I'm so sorry to read this. It's always hard to lose a dear friend. Speaking of which, my post tomorrow is about loss too.

  4. Always hard to lose a loved one. My condolences.

    Regarding chocolate on cookies. Good idea but it would up the point count? What kind of chocolate do you recommend?

    I am hoping the back and knee pain are reduced by the hip surgery when it happens. I am sure my back pain is made worse by listing sideways while walking to accomodate my hip.

    Spoke with Richard a day or so ago and planning a CA visit in Oct. God willing.

    Yes, growing older is interesting and a daily challenge. Saw doc this AM and now seeing 20/20 in my right eye. Surgery on the other eye is Monday.

  5. I saw a T-shirt today on a male shopper that said "the hippies were right" and for some reason I thought of you and then you created this post and now I know why.

  6. So sorry to hear of the loss of such a dear friend.
    The link worked and the photos gave some idea of how special he was.



Celebration of Life