October 1, 2013


Some degree of normalicy, of humor, of day to day life and adventuring returns.

Bell Tower at the Museum of Man.

All sorts of things are happening around here.  One quarter of the museums are free today in Balboa Park.  http://www.museumofman.org/residents-free-tuesday?gclid=CKDTks3i9bkCFU8V7AodvikApw>Free Tuesdays
are the bane of staff and directors of the museums, but for us residents it’s heaven.  Heaven is also the second day that our new http://www.sandiego.gov/public-library/index.shtml>Central Library is open downtown.

http://www.supportmylibrary.org/centrallibrary/centralnews?gclid=COTh79jj9bkCFRCg4Aod6F4AsQ>This site has interviews, time lapse photos of the construction, and all the fun stuff that went into building the new library.
 Until I start back to school, I’m free on Tuesdays.  I was thinking of taking the bus and trolley down to see what the fuss is all about.  Yesterday was the official opening, but himself was working and washing, and I was washing and actually working at the drawing board.

The new library building has a school on one floor.  It also has all the two floors of old favorite books that had been down in basement storage out on shelves.  I’m most excited to see if any old favorites are there.  It also has a floor of computers, and iPads one can take home.  The old computer room was the old book repair space….not a lot of room for computers in that small, glass covered room.

Margot and Zoe made it home late afternoon yesterday.  I’ll hear about all that later as I will Bobbie’s adventures with SS and the VA for her mother.  Laka is out of her old house and in a motel.  Just for the moment, I’m leaving real life behind and going  adventuring. 

Life is Really in the Footnotes:
  He’s also begun a blog here on Blogger.  Gym first.  Today he works here, but tomorrow he will be in Carlsbad.  Tonight is his much loved NCIS night…with SHIELD opposite it.  We are not happy about that.

  • Herself:  Have to research bus and trolley fees.  I can walk the block but will take my cane, and a bread and butter sandwich.

  • Reading:  A Hillerman…and bought three more off ABE last night for a buck each.  Shipping is almost astronomical….but oh well.

  • Balance:  Anticipation with camera.


    1. You sound very happy today, Mage. Keep it up!

    2. Hate it when the programs I like are in opposition to each other. I suppose I should set up some kind of recording device, my last one (ancient) bit the dust. Liked the new Shield.

    3. How good that you are adventuring again! Enjoy your Tuesday!

    4. I love all the new libraries opening up. It has been ages they have gotten any money and to work at transitioning into technology. Ours are always full because most people cannot afford computer access.

    5. Somehow bread and butter sandwiches makes me think of 'Little Women'.

    6. I've enjoyed some Hillerman novels too. I'm now reading Micro which Michael Crichton started before he died and someone else finished. So far, it's pretty action packed and it takes place in Hawaii.



    Celebration of Life