June 30, 2014

Still Lives

Still life.

  • One week, on a Wednesday, she was shaky.  The next week on Tuesday, instead of going to a regular doctor’s office visit, her ride called 911 and she went to the emergency room.  She was placed in a private hospice Thursday and died yesterday.  I was shocked by the rapidity of it all.  She was my friend and I gave her rides to work.  Her name was Gloria.  Worst of all, I, of faint memory, don’t have a picture of her.

  • Sunday morning, early, we were off to the Fair for a second time.  The art had only a few really catch-my-eye pieces, but the photography was stunning.  I walked for two straight hours.  G and I split an order of deep fried Oreos.  My, they were good.

  • I take over a job of cake baking for my Sunday night meeting next Sunday.  They want it done as cheaply as possible.  Cheap doesn’t make it for me.  I’ll pay for the two cakes and the three frostings.  Most speakers meetings in our area have declining members.  The fancy one in La Jolla has gone from 200 some to 40, and we have gone from 200 some to 130.  Summer?  Vacations?  Other Plans?  It sure hurts the budgets.

  • Redecorating is really pulling ones life back together.  Making life better.  The living room is much simpler.  I’ll send the rocker down to the garage to be hung with the dining room chairs.  I’m starting on the linens today.  What a frightening thought.


  1. Oh do tell, what are you doing with the linens? You can make the most mundane things interesting. The bedraggled cactus is great!

    Got my ticket for SD in the fall. Sort of. Still getting used to these silly Etickets.

  2. Yes, life ends suddenly for some.

  3. I have found that things, even good things, have their day and don't always last forever.

    If you want to create a line space without a bullet, just hit Shift+Enter. That creates the space; then hit Enter for the next bullet. If I'm having a senior moment, it could be CTRL+Enter. :)

  4. I'm sorry to hear about your friend. It seems as if this is happening too often -- or maybe we just become more aware.

  5. I cannot put furniture anywhere outside of air-conditioning as our humidity and heat play havoc with joints and finishes.
    Regarding software, I got a 30% coupon in a newsletter and purchased Topaz Simplify which is the filter I am currently using. It has some fun filters and you can tweak them and then I bring them back into PSE11 and maybe tweak them more. Since I don't care if the process turns out 'ick' I have fun processing. The illness was mild, so I did not mind.

  6. Again, my sympathies for the loss of your friend. Love the Christmas Cactus....I can't have any plants inside as my cats tear them up. Beautiful photos as always.

  7. I am very sorry Mage for the loss of your friend.

    Your home is beautiful, put together with love.

  8. I'm so sorry that you lost a dear friend. Hugs to you.

  9. Frightening thought I'd bet, if you had TWO linen closets like I do--one upstairs and one down. Why did you go to the Fair twice??? Once was always good enough for me--we were selective about what we wanted to see and our energy level stayed with us through to the las.

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Celebration of Life