June 26, 2014

TBT: The Mission Beach Plunge Cleaning Time

First acid then we re-grouted the pool.

Looks beautiful and ready to fill.

In Spring, the old Mission Beach Plunge was closed every year for cleaning.  The professionals that did the jobs were those of us who worked there.  We resurfaced the floors, touched up the paint everywhere, and cleaned both pools.  In many ways, it was our Endless Summer in an age before liability worries or safety worries.  Every day I am glad I had a chance to work there.

Friend Kelly upstairs after the filming of “Top Gun.”

Opening staff for swim lessons.

  • Himself:  Working hard today.

  • Herself:  I forget something every day.  Today it was my flip flops and one brace.  Every day it’s something different.

  • Reading:  #6 in the Beaumont series by JA Jance.

  • Balance:  Today writing a get well card for Gloria.  She’s the lady who did the cards at the Discovery Shop.  I arrived to take her to work, and found no one home.  Her ride to a doctor’s appointment found her very faded, and she called 911.  My almost dead cell reached her neighbor.  Did she just give up when she had to give her car away?  Just a thought.


    1. I hope your friend gets better. It's so hard to see them fade away.

    2. David tells me he's fading. This morning, we argued about who is getting senile. How can you possibly figure that out when both of you think it's the other person who forgets things. The good news is if you go dojo lolly, you won't know it.

    3. Do go doololly! Grrrrr

    4. Join the club Mage - you aren't the only forgetful one lol

      And isn't it great to have proof that you actually did do things in the past - for when you forget!

      Oh and down here we say 'doo lally'


    5. Nice pool! It's been a while since I have been in one. David swims every night at the gym, though.



    Celebration of Life