July 19, 2014

A Busy Day in Town

........It's a Pride, Stand Down, Padre's benefit, and OTL weekend. 

Pride Parade 2002. G tying down a quilt panel for the Pride Parade 2002.

It’s going to be a busy day in town today.  The Pride Parade and festival is expected to draw over 300,000 folks to Hillcrest.  The drinking crowd is pulled to Fiesta Island where the second weekend of Over the Line, (OTL), is being played.  Down by the bay, the Padre’s are having a Chili Cookoff to benefit the local firemen.  It’s also Stand Down time here in San Diego where Stand Down began.

All these are important things to our varied communities.  Duck always went to Pride, and we began taking part when we worked with the AIDS Quilt.  I miss our participation.  I don’t miss OTL.  I always imagined that I would get so drunk that I couldn’t get home again.  Yesterday I overheard a die hard OTL attendee saying that he’d been, but it was boring to do OTL sober.  Both G and I laughed.

I’d like to take part in Stand Down.  I’ve been a homeless, alcoholic, drug addicted vet.  I do understand.  Instead, Tuesday I’m going out to my local University to talk to the Veterans office about volunteering.  I’ve also been a recovering alcoholic college graduate.  I really understand that one. 

Riding on the back of the AIDS Quilt float in Pride.

  • Himself:  Worked his toches off at work and with his game, “X-Rebirth.”  He gave Margot his ten year token and presented her with her ten year cake.
  • Herself:  Managed to do pool-lite, work, and bake Margot her cake.  I made sense when I presented her with the token too.  I didn’t know that you had to buy tips to use the decorative icing, so the cake décor was decidedly lumpy.  If I could forget something yesterday, I forgot it.  Example: I forgot shoes so had to buy a pair at work.  Added only half the liquids and eggs to the cake before I caught it.  So glad the cake was great.  Still cannot get into my blog at Prosebox.
  • Reading:  Volume two in the Vorkosigian Saga: Barayar.  Very well written.  Has me glued to the story.
  • Balance:  A lively, pink print new-used shirt I got yesterday at the store.  Makes me feel outrageous.  LOL


    1. Seems like it's the time of the year when all the events converge, especially in an area like yours where the weather is pretty amazing. We have those times in May and October here when the weather is more cooperative. Hope you have a grand time.

    2. It seems like we are afraid summer will depart before we can fill it full up! No shoes? Dare I ask? Did you get there barefoot or was this a need for special shoes? I have to concentrate on recipes now as I am missing some ingredient or measurement if not watching closely.

    3. Hmmm! So now you are providing yet another dose of inspiration. Maybe my "balance" would improve with the addition of a bit of outrageous!

    4. Good for Margot. Glad the cake tasted good.

    5. One of the reasons I like blogging is because of all the lifestyle things I learn - like OTL. Had to Google it. Who knew? Maybe everyone except me! lol

      Congrats to everyone who earns those cakes and coins.

      Loved hearing from you on the 4th of July!

    6. Can't wait to see you in the pink new/used shirt! Sounds like you are having a great summer too!

    7. I follow a San Diego guy on Flickr, and he posts some awesome images. Go San Diego.



    Celebration of Life