July 2, 2014

Any Wednesday

San Diego County Fair:  A star quilt with nine patch centers.

I didn’t lift weights yesterday, but I did swim for a short while in mighty chilly waters.  If you have goose bumps while working out, perhaps it is time to get out of the pool.  I did.  Today it will be a bit cold again, but I’m game to try it again.  And keep trying it.

Then off to work.  No Gloria to pick up.  No Bill who is moving to a new home.  No boss…she’s in Vegas and Lake Las Vegas.  Probably no Joan who told me she might be in.  Might not too.  No Barbara…she’s in Texas visiting her daughter who has cancer.  As you can tell, the back room is normally filled with volunteers.  Not today.

We will see what I can accomplish by myself.

  • Himself:  Knee feeling better.  He’s back to the gym today then subrogating.
  • Herself:  I discovered that the bookcase behind my living room chair is filled with dust mites.  Coughing gave them away.
  • Reading:  Little today.  Perhaps after the weigh in day at the WW meeting and dinner, I will have time to read for a while.
  • Balance:  G and I bought a Don DeLlamas from the Scott Milo Gallery in Anacortes.  They are hanging a show now called “With Love, Don DeLlamas.  It will run from July 11 to July 29.  We wish we could have bought all the pieces on the flyer.


    1. You are better than me. I don't volunteer at all.

    2. Good for you for going. Enjoy your new painting, that's exciting.

    3. Nice job. Love the quilt. Must have taken some woman ages to make it. So your chilly, we are at 95 today. Rain coming up the coast should help. Meanwhile we water plants.

    4. Loving all the quilts....thanks for the photos. Hope you get to read very soon.

    5. My neighbor, who is one of those ardent women leader-types, got the indoor pool to raise the temps by getting buy in from all the swimmers and exercisers in her class. Maybe you should start a political movement??

    6. Must have been creepy hearing all those dust mites coughing, hee hee.

      Glad you and G found a work of art that promises continuing meaningful experiences for eye, mind and spirit rather than simple ownership of an item.



    Celebration of Life