July 18, 2017


·       Today is our last day Comic Con free.  Tomorrow afternoon, we are off to the convention center to pick up our volunteer badges.  I’m looking forward to seeing friends again, and wondering how I will do without a scooter that first day.
·       House stuff:  I work at the Discovery shop till one tomorrow, and while I am at work the carpet cleaners will do their thing.  G has scheduled the plumbers after Comic Con…the main drain from the kitchen is very fragile and is leaking right over the garage door..
·       It’s very humid here right now.  The monsoonal flow that usually blows through Arid-zona, is moving up our way from Mexico.  Thunderstorms and showers are usual in the mountains, but not here at the beach.  I’m so sorry for all our visitors…especially those in all consuming costumes.
·       Finally…all my skin cancer repairs are almost well.  Only one spot remains, and as soon as that scab is gone I’m back in the pool.  I have gained enough weight these last few months to sink a battleship even on my low carb diet.  Photos show me embarrassingly large…Life without exercise doesn’t make it.
·       Today I will process pictures from the train trip and make up a few posts ready to put online.  My phone is charged, my clothes laid out, and I am almost ready for the madness to begin.

  • Himself:  At work.  We had bacon with our breakfast this morning….what a treat.  He has taken tomorrow off.
  • Herself:  Writing here, dishes, house stuff….a light day.  Managed to remember everything we needed at the store, but forgot bags to carry them in.  LOL
  • Reading:  The new and very dense Silva.
  • Gratitude’s:  Oldest daughter said she liked me.


  1. It is very humid here as well, with just a slight reprieve of winds today. All the best wishes everything!

  2. It is one thing to be loved, to be liked is on another level!

  3. Hope the heat eases for you. Can't wait for my first vicarious trip to Comic Con.

  4. Now THAT is something to be grateful for!

  5. You and G's train photos were super. Keep'em coming. How wonderful to have your kid "like" you.

  6. Let the fun begin. I'm glad you are liked.

  7. I've been looking at Conan O'Brien's amusing coverage of ConCon. If it weren't for you I would never have known about this event. Such things don't fly here, because it's always too humid for costumes.

  8. Great costumes and love the photos from the window of your passenger train car. Sorry Train Fest was such a bust. Perhaps the heat kept people away. It would surely do that for me. Hugs to you and G!

  9. Heat and humidity out here from which we could enjoy a reprieve. Wouldn't relish wearing a costume in it. Enjoy the madness.

  10. Hope the heat eases for you. Can't wait for my first vicarious trip to Comic Con.




Celebration of Life