August 30, 2017


Poolie at her best….Photo: a friend.  fACEBOOK.

She was flying high after surgery.  As a result, we had examples of her INTACT short term and long term memories in action.  She sang all day long.  Say a word, she knew a song to go with it.  The traveling troubadour from the sixties surfaced, and we had several sing-a-longs while we were there though they didn’t always make sense.

I will try and put the Poolie updates below most days.  Yes, they are talking chemo, and with an open head wound she will be getting it in ICU.  They were also talking radiation yesterday…I like that.  A port has been installed to relieve the pressure, and she is recovering nicely.  Foo Da Fish too.Fish

  • Himself:  Gym.  Slow days, dinner out.
  • Herself:  Hot tub…pool closed.  Went with G so time to type here.  Work.
  • Reading:  The wonderful new Stabenow….and missing the wonderful wolf.
  • Gratitude’s:  That the depression of yesterday has lifted.


  1. So at the moment she is 'feeling no pain'.....bless her.

  2. Incredible what the body and spirit can take! Poolie has incredible spirit!

  3. So glad she is getting some relief. The sing along sounded fun.

  4. I am having easier times sleeping at night, but since I am chasing after a 6-year-old, I guess that is why. She looks good with Nemo.

  5. That's a lot of care. She is so lucky to have you in her life.

  6. Blessings to you and George -- and thank you for your updates. Poohlie Fish, indeed! ;)Wonderful news that she's intact!! Would hate to lose any of her wicked sense of humor! Sad that she now has to go through chemo and radiation all over again. Wondering if it will ever end...

  7. Glad your friend getting needed treatment and doing as well as she is. FWIW our local newspaper, Claremont Courier, 9/1 issue has interesting article by Matthew Bramlett, with photos of local gal, Rose Ivy Wallace who was co- winner judges award at the Her Universe Fashion Show last month at Comic Con. Says she spent 10 weeks making the costume based on the character Doctor Strange. She works at nearby Cut-Sew--Stitch. She's excitedly looking forward to career as costume designer and now has an opportunity to work with Disney and Hot Topic on Her Universe fashion line, to be sold in Hot Topic stores throughout the country. Theme this year is "Disney princesses."



Celebration of Life