November 28, 2017


The tree is done…as done as it is going to be.  Decorated nicely but not quite as fancily as it was a few years ago.  Duck’s tree is up in the bedroom.  The boxes are closed and stacked to bring back upstairs.   Teddy bears that G’s mom sewed are scattered here and there.  Now I just need to change my clothes after finishing the dusty job, but I want to write first.

I tried to finish it all in one day but couldn’t.  Whether it was the dust or lunch, I became very ill.  Nothing like a good attack of IBS to keep you humble.  Then again, the whole day was a fuzzy one.  I forgot to look at the appointment book, and spent fractions of my day having to go back for things.  Maybe you have had days like that before.  Scattered and fuzzy.  As the day moved on, I discovered I missed a doctor’s appointment with my vascular surgeon. 

Today I called and groveled my apologies.  My day was improved by a friendly chat with the office person and a new appointment was made for next Monday.  I moved on to the tree and finished it in stages with a little washing of me between each stage.  Though my quilting mess still fills the far side of the room, the tree  looks really cute in that far corner of the living room. 

That was good for my day too.  Now I have to find the truck and car décor.

  • Himself:  Working really hard today.  Visiting Poolie, NCIS later.
  •>Herself:>   Dogged décor.  LOL
  • Reading:  An old DE Stevenson.
  • Captain Poolie:  Later this evening.
  • Gratitude’s:  Good to feel well today.


  1. Your vehicles look so cute snuggled in the garage together. Yes, fuzzy days, with no IBS to blame it on sadly...just old age. Tomorrow will be better.

  2. Glad you’re feeling better. I’ve never see vehicles decorated before

  3. I've seen vehicles with wreaths before, but never one with a red nose. Too cute!

  4. You're set! Glad to hear you got a new appointment in a short time.

  5. Isn't there a song, "May Your Days be Fuzzy and ..." No that's not it.

  6. So glad you are feeling better and that your doctor was understanding. Love that you even decorate your vehicles. So cute.



Celebration of Life