December 4, 2017


At Uncle Wonder Ray’s La Jolla show.  I made the dress from a fabric he hand printed.  Shoes are red Bernardo’s.  I wear Bjorn’s that look like that now days.

…Is when your pulmonary surgeon tells you that the “blood is flowing around the blockages just fine,” and see you next year.  “Keep taking your meds,” he added as an afterthought.  I actually said, “What meds.”  Right.

YES!  Progress.  Walking in the pool works.

Dinner bought, cleaning delivered, and the beautiful sun is out.  The grass smells wonderful.  Ya know, it’s a really good day.

Now I have to poke around in my closet to find something I can fit into for tonight’s committee meeting about the convention.   I am just not a success at convention stuff even with good blood flow, but I suit up and show up.

  •>Herself:>   Feeling triumphant.
  • Reading:  Between books again.
  • Captain Poolie:  Home, and told one thing that will heal her spinal fractures is walking.  So far this isn’t workin.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I can bound around out there today.


    1. Great photo, Mage. Yay for the blood flow!

    2. Stunning dress--excellent job you did. Congrats on the good reports and keep up the good work.

    3. Reading another Vreeland. This one about Renoir. It is fun and I do not take it too seriously. Lots of flirting in France. Showing up is 90%!!

    4. You are so darn talented, Mage. That’s a gorgeous dress. Congratulations on the good blood flow. Keep taking care of yourself, please.



    Celebration of Life