April 16, 2018


George was ill last night with a bit of food poisoning.  All night.

About 400 people showed up for an annual potluck, most bringing something to eat.  He ate a far, far wider variety of things than I did.  I hope 400 other folks didn’t go home ill.  Yes, he didn’t go to work.  Yes, I am a worry wart.  
  • Himself:  Finally got to sleep around dawn.  His knee looks like it has shingles.
  • Herself:  I have an appointment at the VA tomorrow to see if I qualify for audiology.
  • Reading:  Box.  “Open Season,” his first Joe Pickett novel.
  • Watching:  This morning the Boston Marathon, this evening Antiques Roadshow.
  • Gratitude’s:  That he’s vastly better by noon.


  1. I hope George is feeling better and by the way, I love that picture.

    1. We both like that too. It was taken in the 89's.
      He's a bit better and is pouring down liquids.

  2. I was ill from food recently, for maybe the second time in my life. Awful. I too hope others fared better, and that George is better, soon.

    1. I am so sorry. I have had food poisoning twice. I've let the leader of the gathering know what happened as there were 400 folks there.

  3. Potlucks can be the death of us. I'm quite leery of eating at these events.

    Your comment about checking at the VA about audiology made me wonder, do you have a military pension? Do you have Tricare? I'm curious as I would love to have Terry's hearing checked and maybe that's a way to do it, through the VA.

    1. I have Medicare and a Medicare supplement. One friend of mine who has Kaiser also gets his ears taken care of at the VA. I thought perhaps I would give it a try. I have an appointment tomorrow and will let you know.

    2. I hope you are able to get help there. And yes, please let me know how it goes.

  4. I had a fast bout with food poisoning a few months ago. It did not make me sick but was concerning. Both eggs and romaine lettuce are being blamed for making people sick this month. Give George a hug from me as I am well and carrying nothing although spent the weekend with a friend who was fighting a cold!

    1. So glad you are ok now. Yes, you don't have time for a cold with that awful weather pounding through there.

  5. I am always so nervous about pot luck meals! Glad George is better!

    1. I bring my things on ice, and I serve my dishes surrounded by ice. Eggs and romaine seem to be a problem, and sure enough G ate an egg dish.

  6. I'm so sorry he was sick. Glad he's better. My grandmother who grew up on a ranch used to mutter at picnics "don't eat the potato salad."

    1. I ice the foods I bring putting the dishes in a big bowl of ice. You can eat my potatoe salad.

  7. I've attended many potlucks and never worried about the food. Maybe I should, after reading your story.

    1. I went but didn't eat the same foods he did. Just don't eat egg dishes.

  8. I've had it once, and everybody at the meal got it. Wretched it was.

  9. Soooo sorry he was sick. That is the worst sickness to have but fortunately it doesn't last too long. Just seems to.

  10. Food poisoning...everyone's worst nightmare. Hope he is feeling better today.



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