May 14, 2018


When I first get to work, I pull my apron and camera on and go take shots for the (ACS Discovery Shop/Point Loma) shop’s Facebook page. 

I stagger about the floor just shooting what I see.  I’ve been very lax about creating arrangements to shoot…in an hour or so, someone will come along and rearrange everything.  Sometimes I catch a glimpse of something pretty.  Sometimes an arrangement almost works and I shoot it anyway only to Photoshop it when I get home.  I never quite know what I will see until I download it into my cranky computer.

No, I am not very good with Photoshop.  Over the years with PS11, I have learned to sharpen an image, add depth, lighten or darken, crop, straighten, all that old darkroom stuff I learned from Paul Hawkins.  PS11 is an electronic darkroom that I really need to learn to use with more finesse.

Only today did I realize that I had not been considering my volunteer commercial work as good enough to save.  Some of it really is.  I’ll go back and see if I can save any of the old stuff.  And from now on I will save the better things to a folder all their own.
  • Himself:  Work looks, “Not too bad.”  He keeps talking retirement.
  • Herself:   Quilting, laundry, saving photos, laundry…et al.  G ordered me a new graphics card as the one I have now leaves big black boxes on my screen.  Bothering me: Two dings and one rib.
  • Reading:  A fascinating book on handbags.
  • Watching:  Tonight: Antiques Roadshow.
  • Gratitudes:  That I’ve now had G in my life for 35 years. 


  1. Can almost remember the name of this classic dinnerware -- Pfalzware or something like that? Cool beans ... love it! I often go to my WordPress blog and pretend I'm writing and adding media so I can retrieve a photo that I failed to save to my hard drive. Nice backup... ;) I need a new purse but don't want to shop for it. Bad... I utterly HATE shopping for clothing or especially purses. Sigh...

  2. That's a nice selection...I like the bowl and the little pitcher.

  3. I keep adapting to the latest Microsoft photo version. Not overly pleased with Window 10's offering.

  4. 35 years. Congrats on that!! You both are a lovely couple and I love seeing your couple photos. That dish set takes me way way back. There was a high end catalog (Horchow Collection) maybe still exists and I bought a yellow set of cabbage dishes. Long gone and probably worth far less than I paid for them. No kids then and no mortgage as we lived overseas, so there was extra money!

  5. You seem to have a place to shoot with lots of interesting little settings.

  6. Goodness, those are some nice pieces. Congrats big time on 35 years.

  7. Lovely dish. Congrats for your 35 years of journey.
    I also have no too much knowledge of Photoshop. As you said i also once used to make over some pictures for presentation:)



Celebration of Life