June 25, 2018



2017: The Society for Creative Anachronism in action.

·       The 4th of July is upcoming.  Every store around us will be closed, but ours will be open.  Why the new manager is doing this is beyond me.
·       I’ll try the scooter out this morning for the first time.  Off to grocery store carless.  This first time is a bit scary, but it will be such a freedom once I get used to it.
·       I’ll make a wedding present this morning for our friends Robin and Glen.  Certainly before lunch when I invariably fall asleep over my book.  Saturday is both Claudia’s celebration of life and the wedding.
·       Himself:  Himself is still working ten hours a day, but his real focus is on Comic Con…as is mine.

·       Me, myself, and I:  Pull out my costume and begin alterations.  I have to stop napping through my sewing time.

·       Reading:  ”The Skelton Man,” another old Hillerman.
Gratitude’s:  That the sun is coming out, that I made it through half an hour walking at the Y, and that it’s going to be a very good day.


  1. That's a bit weird about the store being open.

  2. That is a shame the store will be open. Wonder if it will be worth it since most people will expect everything to be closed.

  3. Good luck with the scooter today. Happy adventures!

  4. I misread carless as careless. I think they are fabulous tools. I wonder if I could rent one for a week.

    1. You can rent one everywhere. I visited Washington DC, and one was delivered to our hotel. At the Fair and Comic Con, we reserve one and pick it up inside the door.



Celebration of Life