August 2, 2018


Hauling my regular, steel reinforced, Samsonite, workhorse of a small suitcase upstairs reminded me that it was heavy.  I just need room for my pillow.  Yes, that’s what I said…pillow.  My allergies are happy things when I take my own pillow.  I do have a really small suit case down there behind the truck and car.  I guess I will go dig it out.

I used to just pack a change of underwear and go.  I don’t think I need a list for a three day trip, but I need to remember my ears, my eyes, my meds, my toothbrush, my compression stuff, my teeth, my sense of humor.  A change of clothes and a change of underwear are nice too.  What more will I need when I am 80.

If nothing changes, I’m really in trouble.
So...I got the little suitcase, and most everything fits.  I got rid of the big backpack, and most everything else fits in the little backpack.  Now you will see an overweight lady wearing a small red leather backpack, walking with a suitcase and a guitar balanced on her walker.  It seems much more doable to me.
  • Himself:  Still working really long hours for two days, and changing his whole schedule to include the gym on Monday.
  • Myself:  Bought the next three volumes in the Invisible Library series.  Laundry.  Packing. Off to a 0555 Train to Van Nuys…it’s closer to Bobbie than Simi Valley.
  • Reading:  Invisible Library.
  • Gratitude’s:  Small suitcases, tooth brushes, and G filing down a sharp point on the temp, so I am not in agony.


  1. Our recent beach house vacation required all including the kitchen sink it seemed. This aging racket is the pits!

  2. It's almost too much to just go cross you the batteries for your hearing aids, glasses, lunch time pills, etc etc etc.....yikes.

  3. I should get the big suitcase so you can pack 6 pair of levis, 8 pairs of shoes, 12 shirts, 6 changes of undies, 2 dress suits, camera, battery charger, hat and pillow.

    All for a two night stay.

  4. As long as you pack the most important thing--that sense of humor--you are good to go.

  5. Shoes are always my killer as I will need something for hiking or walking, something for eating dinner at a nice restaurant, and something for a beach or pool...and maybe something really comfortable for walking around when my feet start to hurt from all that wearing of shoes, I am barefoot at home mostly.

  6. I once said to Sue, "Do remember when we could just go to bed?" Now there's a list and a rigmarole.

  7. I’ve always been envious of people who bring pillows with them on an airplane. I can just imagine how much more comfortable that would be.

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