September 5, 2018


1961, Ft. Eustis VA.
I took the wrong practice test first thing yesterday morning.  It was for a commercial DL…those giant big trucks.  I passed.  Then I did everything I failed at the day before, and I missed only three.  I’m off to work now, but I’ll study more when I get home, unless I fall asleep.

  • Himself:  Yesterday was his overloaded Monday.  I found it interesting that his boss called and wanted to know what he had been doing.  He emailed his logs off to him.
  • Myself:  Reading blogs and email.  Now off to work.
  • Weather:  Heading back up into the 80’s again.
  • Reading:  The book about the midwives.  Well written.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I get to play with books today.


  1. G's employer is gonna miss him when he's gone. Cute picture girl.

  2. It sounds like my kind of fun too Mage, playing with books.

  3. Study, study, study..... You will pass the test!

  4. Isn't it nice to now you qualify as a truck driver? Sounds like you are on top of this thing.

  5. I'm so glad it all worked out so well. Yay!



Celebration of Life