October 3, 2018


2006: Left knee at Disneyland.
We were off to see the Orthopedic doc at either.  Instead of like the guy at Kaiser, who gave us only one option, Dr. Shultz gave us a three pronged approach.  He can go in and clean the torn meniscus out and make a judgement call about a partial knee replacement VS the arthritis and other damage.  He’s a good candidate for this, the doctor told us.  If he was older, the good doctor would recommend a total knee replacement.  So first we will see if the cleanout will let G sleep again.

I did let him know that I really wanted to go to Disneyland this year.  I reminded him that he can roll through the Park instead of walking.
  • Himself:  Work 
  • at 6, and as the phone didn’t ring, he got a lot done.Myself:  As usual, my cooking was a failure.  Flavor was good, but boy was mine tough.  His was tender.  Got all those tucks sewn correctly.  Began sewing the big crow a second time around to make it stand out more. Today getting calls from friends at work who miss me.
  • Reading:  Still Eleanor Roosevelt VIII.
  • Gratitude’s:  That the doctor let me sit in and explained things so both of us could understand.


  1. Hubby had the torn meniscus removal process and it went extremely well. Not saying that is true for all, but his doc was a treasure!

  2. Sure hope the three pronged approach puts G back on his feet and out of pain.

  3. All I want for Christmas is a good left knee, a good left knee......

    There is a song in there somewhere.

  4. You may wish to wait to go to DLR until after the new Star Wars land opens next year

  5. hopefully, he will have a good leg soon.
    Happy October

  6. As a matter of fact, when my son-in-law had foot surgery, my daughter ended up pushing him all around Disneyland. Gosh, I haven't been there in ages. Good luck for G. Poor guy.

  7. My son had the torn meniscus removal with good result. I hope the pain is relieved soon.

  8. I hope this procedure gives G some relief and comfort! Imagine life without pain!



Celebration of Life