October 24, 2018


1983: Drawn at work.
I used to jam my journal in my backpack, and take it with me to work every day.  Pens and colored pencils too.  After a while, my doodles grew into illustrations.  I have several of these large and colorful pieces scanned as jpgs.  Some of them, I have a spiritual connection to, other’s not.  This one just grew from my imagination whole cloth, and I still enjoy it.

  • Himself:  Started work beyond early so he could take me for my MRI yet get his 8 hours in.  He had a long wait in a darkened waiting room…the folks turned off the lights and went home.  Afterwards, we were off for a slice of pizza and shopping at COSTCO.  NCIS for desert.
  • Myself:  Rush hour traffic isn’t too bad from Point Loma to Hillcrest.  If I leave home about quarter after, I arrive just before 9.  Purging old and tired books was fun.  I didn’t have to do them all as I did at the shop.  Art, architecture, photography, computers, poetry, and plays.  I need to go back to the computer section and pull the outdated Apple stuff now that I have talked to G.  The MRI was a lot of clanking and whistling while I held my breath.  Half an hour, under warm blankets.  That helped.  The truth is…I have spent the last few weeks not focused on the diagnosis.  Results:  Stable 1.5 cm indeterminate left adrenal nodule. Consider a follow-up noncontrast MRI of the abdomen in 12 months to confirm continued stability.
  • Reading:  ”Miss Buncle Married.”  My copy is a very old and yellowed paperback, and it is very hard to read.
  • Gratitude’s:  Everyone at the library, and everyone at the hospital.  Most of all, G.


  1. Glad your MRI is done. Hugs to you Mage.

  2. I love all of your art work!

    Tlad the MRI is over! Good result!

  3. So pleased that for now you're healthy. Telling you to come back in a year is a promising outcome. Will e-mail you about breakfast in November. Huggers, T

  4. Love the sound of continued stability.



Celebration of Life