October 17, 2018


1979: My old Zenith, a glass of wine, and smoke rising.

We inch along.  I have a date and time for my MRI.  Mid-afternoon, they say and no food for four hours before.  G’s knee surgery has been approved. 

We fall apart together this month.  I have not heard from the Derm doc about approval from the insurance to get those last cancer cells off my shin.  Sometimes these sorts of things can take over our lives if we let it.  I know G’s on edge as he as he snapped at me this morning.  We are better now, and I turn my energy to marking my ballot.

At least I don’t have a glass of wine or cigarette next to me this morning.          I dearly loved that old 1940’s table, and I miss it even today.  Change is good for us tho as we live with too much from the past as it is.  We inch along to fifties Atomic era, glass topped tables and Samsung instead of Zenith.  Most of the time, we inch with laughter.

  • Himself:  Cranky but feeling better…he says.
  • Myself:  Missed my meeting yesterday noon as I was at work.  I’ll hit one up today.
  • Reading:  ”Miss Buncle’s Book” by D. E. Stevenson.
  • Gratitude’s:  The folks at the library sale for finding me a home among the art, architecture, and photography books.  Perfection indeed.


  1. I love your drawings. They have so much emotion in them.

  2. I really like your recent sketches.

    And good luck with MRIs, nasty cells and surgery for him.

  3. My third attempt to leave a comment. Hope this one sticks.

  4. Sometimes we inch, kicking and screaming all the way!

  5. Wishing you great news from the MRI and George success with the surgery. Sometimes we feel like we are held together with bailing wire and duct tape. But it is good the wire and tape are available.



Celebration of Life