January 8, 2019


George headed off to the Maker’s Place Sunday, and once again I headed for the beach. 

There was a parking spot right at the sea wall, and the surf was roaring.  The tide was out, and so even this unusually high surf only pounded the bottom of the pier.  There was sea weed up on the sidewalk, and sea water in the street from the earlier high tide.  There were crowds too.  I love times like this. 

The crowds stayed far, far away from the homeless man sleeping on top of the wall.  I could have made him a far more interesting photograph, but I left it alone except for cropping.


  • Himself:  Monday was a really tough day, and he says it looks the same today.
  • Myself:  Got the lab work done, the groceries bought, and the laundry started before breakfast.  Breakfast, cleaning me, and I am off to do books.
  • Reading:  Joseph Hansen.
  • Gratitude’s:  George.


  1. "The wall" will never have the same vision for me for years. We all tend to be fearful of homeless...they may ask us for money, give us a disease, throw an emotional fit, assault us. NOT. I know they are just people who have made bad decisions and had bad luck. At least he has the most beautiful bedroom, if no privacy.

  2. The homeless man has a beautiful view for sure!

  3. The homeless guy has a million dollar view if not much in the way of comfort. My heart goes out to him.

  4. We watched "Leave No Trace" the other night -- an Amazon Prime movie about a man and his daughter who lived off the grid. Based on a true story from the book, "My Abandonment." The father and daughter lived in a national forest, which is against the law. Sad, sad story -- the father was a vet with PTSD. No idea what happened to the mother. I've ordered the book from my library. It was THAT good of a movie! He and others who were living there in the forest were homeless. A very complex problem.



Celebration of Life