January 2, 2019


2006 Tom and Betty during a San Diego visit.

Most importantly this weekend, my cousin Tom’s Bride of 65 years is now dancing in heaven.  Those two danced with the Fred Astaire group almost forever reaching gold medal status.  We are a small family…this generation.  There are only three of us.  All three with old family names.  Tom married his beautiful bride and stayed dancing with her forever.
Monday and Tuesday were delightful getting-things-done days.  After a trip to Fry’s for thumb drives and a stop at the Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore sale, I did housekeeping on my blog and I did housekeeping in my house.  The day before We both visited the doctor and I got a referral to my Orthopedist about my knee, and one to a neurologist…I’ve been losing a lot of words lately. 

Dear G got me thumb drives big enough to hold three years of blog entries, pictures, and all the rest of life’s detritus on one drive.  Then three years of cards, letters, appointment book pages, and ephemera all popped into carefully labeled folders in an archival box. 

What I am going to do with all those archival boxes escapes me.


  • Himself:  Working lite today.
  • Myself:  Doc wants me to have a sleep study.  Walking in the pool.
  • Reading:  A new author…I will let you know.
  • Gratitude’s:  For the few years I have had with G.


  1. You archive those archival boxes.

    I like the last photo of them dancing with the tree in the window.

  2. Sending love to you. Many going beyond our arms at this point in our lives. Hope the sleep study turns up something useful, I had one several year ago and ended up getting a cpap and that helped my memory with better sleep.

  3. So sorry for your loss of another friend, Mage. We say many goodbyes in these times of our lives.

  4. It’s crazy how they have been able to shrink technology.

    1. Remember when you thought ZIP drives were forever. :)

  5. So very sorry for your loss. I remember that beautiful photo of Tom & Betty dancing with the huge Jacaranda tree in the background. A lovely couple.

  6. That last shot is a beauty. Word loss is a giant pain ins't it??

  7. So sorry for yours and Tom's loss. You can see the love. Maybe the sleep study can help with lost words. A tired mind doesn't sort well.

  8. Sorry for your loss. Really hard part of aging is losing those for whom we care.



Celebration of Life