October 12, 2019


·       George is over there with three separate browsers open.  It’s the first ticket sales day for Comic Con 2020.  He has hopes of getting one day tickets for two of us, and four days tickets for the little one.  She’s too young to volunteer.
·       I post here today one of my favorite Comic Con photos.
·       I’ve been released by the Home Health PT nurse, and reluctantly by the RN.  The drain scarring is fragile, but my BP remains in the normal range, and my O2 blood levels make everyone happy.  I have one more appointment in my book, I know there will be loads more upcoming, but that one is with my coordinating GP.  The surgeon wants to find out what the mass is in my right lung before starting chemo.  He’ll do a needle biopsy.
·       Non health news:  The sun is out.  If I look hard enough I’ll see little golden leaves all around and in the trees surrounding the house.  I’m following blogs that show acres of exquisite leaf color.  I love the oranges and glowing yellows, but they aren’t usual here.  High fire danger is.
·       Smalls:  I’ve lost 8 and ½ pounds.  Today I’m filing paperwork and drugs from this disease…..cleaning house.  G has been an excellent caretaker.  Margot called.  She and Zoe are walking their first 5K.
·       Land’s End has a replacement for that turquoise shirt I ruined.  They also have a replacement for the black cardigan I managed to lose. 
·       Later after One PM:  A handful of my morning pills went down the wrong tube…and boy am I coughing.  Out to breakfast, and I discovered that I dropped my teeth.  Yes, I did that.  I took them out, wrapped them in a napkin, and put them in my lap.  Back we went, and after donning gloves with the owner, I found them about six inches down in the giant trash container.  Teach me to not put them in a pocket.
·       Just now, life is pretty darned good.  


  1. Good thing you were persistent about the teeth.

  2. And you're pretty darn good, too, Mage.
    Having been about as endowed as the lady in black, way back in the day, I wonder if her discomfort level is as high as I imagine it to be.

    1. lol I was thinking she must be hurting.
      At least, I found my partial. LOLOL

  3. Wow! Crisis averted! Glad you found them! Take care, Mage!

  4. Yikes on the busty lady. She didn't dare sneeze:) So glad you found the teeth. A pocket or purse might be a good future plan.

  5. Dumpster diving again..........

  6. I'm glad you found your teeth too. Whoops!
    That lady in black reminds me of Kim Kardassian (I don't know how to spell her name and too tired to look it up.) who wore an outfit to the Met Gala or something where she couldn't bend over because the corset was too tight around the waist and pushed up her top.



Celebration of Life