May 6, 2020


I was enjoying>Kay’s entry for the day on a 1200 piece Jigsaw puzzle that arrived for her husband.  Kay photographed several stages, and the final image is of the border put together.  I have to confess, I can do the border but that’s it.

Not complaining, mind you, but after a while all those little pieces look alike.  Now that I have the right eye repaired to 20/40, maybe I can figure things out a little better.

If I could do stained glass on the AIDS Quilt, I ought to be able to at least consider the interior of a jig saw puzzle.    

  • Himself:  Doing just fine.  Baking bread.
  • Myself:  Somehow 2 appointments got scheduled for the same time this morning.  There’s a new entry posted for the 4th…just before this one.
  • Reading:  Another Mayor….and one has a follow up.   No bookstores are open yeet.
  • Photo: 
  •   John Doe panel for the AIDS Quilt, 2003
  • Gratitude’s:  George.


    1. G has you home now. I imagine he is fine!

    2. Oh gosh! Too funny, Mage! But then Thickethouse recommended this jigsaw website: and it was just my speed. Who knew you could do free jigsaw puzzles online?

    3. You all can have all the puzzles.

    4. You used to do online jigsaw puzzles.

    5. I like to jump in on other peoples jig saw puzzles. Then I can just walk away and not feel badly.

    6. Growing up, my grandmother always had a puzzle on her table. She loved doing them. I stay away from them but admire the people who have the patience to do them.
      Have a lovely evening.



    Celebration of Life