June 26, 2020


The Covid 19 virus is in a great hurry here.  All those non-believers, those ‘it won’t get to me’ folks, those off to the bar or the beach young-uns are now catching the virus.  They are the ones who won't wear a mask or stay 6 feet away from their friends. 

The “I don’t need to wear a mask,” they say.  We are all violating their freedoms.  We all mourn their unfinished lives when they die.

“More fool them,” I say.

 Both G and I are back to the stage where we wish the governor would shut the state down again.  No such luck. So we stay home.  We still have a mountain of things to move back in.  Today the sewing stuff.  I’m truly grateful that G carried it all up our steep stairs without a complaint.  Now it is my job to find a home for it all.
<UL><LI><U><A HREF=http://geeeee-zer.blogspot.com/>Himself:</A></U>  <I>Made banana bread…a first, and boy it smells good.<I></LI>
<LI><U>Myself:</U>  <I>Arranging the sewing stuff in some form of order.  Blood sugar before PET scan was 83.  Urinating every two hours all night long.<I></LI>
<LI><U>Reading:</U>  <I>Reich.</I></LI>
<LI><U>Photo:</U>  <I>The Star of India against an antenna from  the Vietnam era.</I></LI>
<LI><U>Gratitude’s:</U>  <I>George.</I></LI></UL >


  1. Wow... your blood sugar was low, kiddo! Were you feeling o.k.? Having George haul things up or down those stairs makes me wish you had a dumbwaiter (no offense, George!!). LOL I love having our dumbwaiter... just getting myself up and down the stairs is more than enough task for me these days. Hugs and much love to you both! p.s. Is there a closet somewhere that could be used as a 'tube' for the dumbwaiter??

    1. I thought that blood sugar number was quite good. I'm usually between 65-75 which the dr says is very good. "Just say below 100."

      I too like the idea of a dumb waiter if you have stairs or perhaps even a laundry chute for getting the dirty clothes down but need something to get them back up. hahahaha

  2. Take care of yourselves. Staying home is excellent. I'm staying home alone but the new cases are rising here too, most related to people traveling in and out of the county and people's workplaces.

  3. There is no putting the genie back in the bottle, now that they have opened everything up, unless the business closes itself, there will be no closures. They were all screaming about how they were going to go broke if they couldn't reopen. Making money is much more important than saving lives. (sarcasm)

  4. It certainly is an interesting new world.

  5. We are opening this island to others on the east coast of Canada this week. We have been virus free for over two months now. We will quickly go back into isolation when it arrives again.

    Stay safe.

  6. Our numbers are kicking up again also. Those youngsters sure don't seem to care about taking precautions. They may or may not get it but they can sure spread it.

  7. We are going out once a week for shopping or a walk. Masks in place always and hand-sanitizer at the ready. I am feeling this virus is spread much more easily by air and so relaxed about touching surfaces more. Saw the Palm Beach County, FLA meeting and truly cannot believe people are such idiots. Those young folks may actually only get a mild cold from it...we will see. The trouble is that they put everyone else at deathly risk.

  8. I'm speechless about the inconsiderate defiance of so many fellow citizens . . . speechless.



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