August 16, 2020



 G and I spent the early morning being disappointed in the Jane Pauley CBS Sunday Morning show.  Two minutes of ads were followed by less program….everytime.  Less time with “moments of nature” too.  He timed them all.

I followed that experience with two hours of learning to use my antique Photoshop all over again.  George tried to help, thank you dear G, but in the end I resorted to putting what I wanted into Google. That’s when I learned my PS was truly an antique.  I just didn’t have what they told me I needed to make the situation work.  I made it work…by chance I’m sure. 

Now I am off to do laundry.  Very heroic of me.  The sun is out, the world is a lovely place, and I am a content old lady.


  1. Oh Mage. You sound like your “old” really new self! So good!

  2. Marie said it first, so I can just enthusiastically agree. Mage, dear Mage.

  3. I find the same maddening problem with most shows these days. I don't have that many hours left to waste so I record all my shows, even sports, and fast forward through all the commercials.
    I will echo the above two. You really seem more like your self. What a wonderful thing.

  4. You are exploring and tackling and that is all good stuff. Glad to have the "old gal" back and blogging. Software become obsolete in such a short time. I hate that Adobe now goes for monthly subscriptions, much more expensive than just buying software.

  5. TV content has been and likely will continue to get shorter and shorter with more and more commercials in the pursuit of profits. I agree, you're sounding more like the old you I read when I first started coming here from Schmidley's Scribblings.



Celebration of Life