December 24, 2020




·       The eldest daughter, Margot, is on her way here for a drive by.  George made her a container of leaning towers of Pizza, (Those chocolate wafer and whipped cream towers.)  We have a box of goodies and a second box of the regular stuff…National G and Smithsonian sort of things. 

·       It’s a grey day out there.  Still in the 40’s.  I’ll put something warmer on and go sit in the garage in a little while.

·       All my journals and photos have been saved to a stick.  I love the convenience of it all.

·       Since the new vaccine isn’t based on eggs, I think I will ask dear G if a cheese omelet could be on the menu for dinner tonight.

·       I’m determined to master all my owned electronics.  (Hearing aids, cell phones, et al.)

·       After dinner we are going out to the fancy neighborhood above us.  They do Luminaria.  Yes, I will take my camera.


<A HREF=>Himself:</A>  Opening up presents this afternoon.

Myself:  My focus is on staying warm.  Sending peace out into the world.

Reading:  Obama.

Watching:  Nova and TBBS

Photo:  Granddaughter dancing in the nutcracker many years ago.

Gratitude’s:  On everything I see and touch today.



  1. haven't gone out to look at christmas lights in years. but then we'd have to drive an hour in the city to see the extravagant ones.

  2. Please bring pictures of luminaries. They managed to have them in my little town again this year.

  3. Make those electronics work for you!

  4. We will do a drive-by...not fancy neighborhoods but small town stuff. Maybe some nice photos. Weather was a miss. No snow. Are you getting your vaccine this week? As for electronics, my watch talks to my phone and my phone talks to my new gifted self heating coffee cup and I am totally left out of the whole converstation.



Celebration of Life