June 5, 2021



Life is different these days now that our house has two slow folks in it.  It does take two hands to make a loaf of bread even in a bread machine.  Bringing two weeks of laundry up two flights of stairs isn’t functional any more.  Hanging laundry requires a certain elan I’m sometimes missing.  So we hired the eldest daughter.

This visit we paid her with brake and clutch pads for her little Toyota RAV4.  She had no trouble popping them on.  Money, lunches, and dinners are other methods of payment.  She retaliated by using the chair lift for the heaviest of the work.  Bravo for her imagination. 


  1. I hope this arrangement helps all three of you.

  2. I will return to bread making one day.

  3. That sounds like a good deal for all. Keep that chair lift in mind for later.

  4. That is just brilliant. One thing you all still got in place and that is humour!

  5. Humour helps! That bread looks yummy!

  6. sounds like an excellent arrangement.

  7. Great bartering system, it works for everyone. A nice looking loaf of bread, must have smelled nice as it baked.

  8. Sounds like you have a good working system. I haven't made bread since I got on a whole wheat, then sour dough kick when we lived in Arizona. Didn't know the starter could be frozen or I might have tried to bring it with us to Calif. We were eating too much bread anyway. I think the aroma from your loaf has escaped from the photo -- or is it just my imagination?



Celebration of Life