August 6, 2021



George drove up to the top of the Point and took a few pictures for me.   There was a long time spent fussing with one image, and when I finally got it framed it was too blue. But it was done.

The first one didn’t turn into black and white really well.  Too dark.  There were others from odd angles I didn’t like, (see the sampling below,) but I saved them anyway. 






  • <A HREF=>Himself:</A>   Space games and Costco. 
  • Myself:   Costco, exercise, reading.
  • Reading:  Bujold, the Miles Vorkosegian saga.
  • Watching:  Olympics
  • Photo:   Mine, but the last is George.
  • Weather:  73 and cloudy.
  • Gratitude’s:  That I got through all my exercises yesterday.


  1. That is a neat looking lighthouse. Love the stark white in the second one.

  2. This porridge is too hot, this one is too cold........... This one is just right!

  3. I like them fine. I would probably be tempted to do the sky darker like Ansel Adams might have done. But as they are is good too. The whites are very bright and contrasty in a good way.

  4. Love the photos, especially the black and white.



Celebration of Life