October 5, 2021



Saturday we had a quiet lunch by the bay.  I was hoping the heron would show, and sure enough he was haunting one fisherman right in front of us.  After the gentleman left for home, the bird hopped up on the table.  One lady inched her way almost on top of the bird with her camera.  There I was with my camera.  I had to laugh. 

I can’t believe we ate dinner out, but we did. 

Sunday, after CBS Sunday Morning, neither of us remember what we did.  I did sew for an hour or so.  We both remember that the baked potatoe topped with chili was really good for dinner.

Today was a visit to the Oncologist.  All the usual followed by a visit with a Fellow.  Then the good doc came in with news that I can stay on my current protocols a bit longer.   Yes, my body is showing a few adaptations to the med, but so far it seems to be working.  Scan and another visit in five weeks.  Phew.  Perhaps the most important item in the week was the rain.  It did the thunder, lightning, and rain bit last night.  Unusual and exciting stuff that.


  • <A HREF=http://geeeee-zer.blogspot.com/>Himself:</A>   Monday was his bi-yearly medical checkup.  Today he came along and held my hand.  Now he is far out in EVE space.
  • Myself:  I’ve been reading and looking at historical style blogs and pages.  Quilting.  Want one week with no medical appointments at all.
  • Reading:  Shoes.  Handbags are next.
  • Watching:  Lots of Antiques Roadshow.
  • Photo:  Mine by Mission Bay with the blue heron.
  • Weather:  High white clouds in a stunning blue sky.
  • Gratitude’s:  For everything today.


  1. I imagine that heron is quite used to people.

  2. Glad you had rain! Wish we could share some of ours.

    Great photo! You were in the right place and time!

  3. Ha ha, now that is what I call getting a close up.

  4. Keep on keeping on... just love it that you are doing well. How's George's hand doing?? Is it completely healed now? That had to be one painful period for him. I do hope he's finally o.k. Hugs to you both.

    1. His hand is slightly better every day. He has an appointment with a hand surgeon next month. Until then he does a mountain of exercises all day long. Some of the tendon's are fused together, but he is gaining more grip strength every day.

  5. I'm glad you're dealing with the treatment OK, Mage. That's a relief. I'm amazed that the heron isn't flying away. Just thinking about George's hand gives me a shiver.



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