March 11, 2009

Whales, Taxes, and Other Importances

A view across the commercial basin at Shelter Island from our accountants office. “How do you get any work done,” asks G. We live up there in the dip on the point. Out of sight of the sea or bay. 2009.

Himself: Worked for almost two weeks on a file trying to catch every error, and caught many hundreds. An error-Nazi in illustration caught 30 more. G says he’s going to find out her secret.

Herself: Swimming 4 days a week now. Leg swelling down but not the itching. Today reading the KdF piece in class if the reading list isn’t too long. Yes, I will get there early.

Balance: Scary stuff making a chicken pot pie from leftovers when I get home. I can do this.

Caught my attention: Confessions of a Bookplate Junkie is a fascinating journey into the world of bookplates and their owners.

  • OK, OK, I confess. I have been hacking and slashing on the KdF piece…still. Here I nibble, there I snip. Hopefully each tiny bit I change improves the piece. I’m learning with each rereading and each snip. I’ll post it later if it survives the workshop this morning.

  • I hacked and slashed on dinner before G got home. That way, I was able to come with him and sit in the car while he walked… at hand, of course. He came rushing back to tell me that there was a whale in the bay. Yes, we got pictures, but nothing at all spectacular. Just proof there was a whale in the bay. Yes, too much food when we got home even tho we cut the half in half. The light sour cream was floury too. We will figure it out.

  • To our CPA…..yes, we get money back, thank you, Mr. W. Yes, our taxes are filed. Trust is a wonderful thing.

  • Open Diary: Copying from Word, and mine is old, to OD has been interesting the last two days. No apostrophes or little rows of dots that I so love to overuse….ellipsis’. I sent a little note and got a little note back. Poor DM, I can’t be the only Word user without apostrophes. If you can’t stand life without punctuation, you can read my mirror blog, Postcards at Blogger. If you are here instead of there, you get punctuation in all its glory.

  • There’s a blue sky overhead and full moon sinking into a black wall of storm clouds out to sea. Rain later, they tell us. Just this one morning I don’t have to go jump into the outdoor pool. The water seems chilly even at 81, but the air feels as if there’s a knife edge is scraping the outer wall of your skin. Probably tomorrow morning it won’t feel quite as bad in the rain.

A juvenile Gray Whale made its way into the bay yesterday, and is being watched by a police boat and the sailing ship America. All you can see here is its back curving out of the water.

1 comment:

  1. You have TWO blogs still?! Don't know how you manage it. I barely stay up to date in my reading these days! I'm looking forward to seeing that KdF piece you refer to. Maybe you should show it in its various incarnations and then we could all learn the value of rewrites.



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