May 2, 2009

An Award

The sister-ships, Stadendam and the Ryndam stop into San Diego yesterday instead of trekking into Mexico. I hope their passengers enjoyed our fair city. Friday, May 1, 2009.

Himself: Doing much better. Slept really well until five when he started Thinking.

Herself: Managed to let it go and not take it back…so far. The elephant is still in the living room, but I am smiling at it.

Reading: Nothing. Amazing.

Balance: today is staying in the moment. Two estate sales, de-balling the sweater, and sewing on a few beads.

Premio Dardos

Silma awarded me a “Premio Dardos” award because I have so many interests. As Sillama, she also keeps a blog in Open Diary.

She received her award from Bev, and I thank Bev too. Robyn McMaster writes that those on her list have a special luster. Those bloggers on my list have all changed my life in some unique way.

Silma writes of the award:

““Premio Dardos” means "prize darts" in Italian and is awarded for recognition of cultural, ethical, literary and personal values in the form of creative and original writing. The rules are:

1. Accept the award by pasting the graphic on your blog along with the name of the person who granted the award and a link to his/her blog.

2. Pass the award to another 15 blogs that are worthy of acknowledgment, remembering to contact each so they know they have been selected.”

According to Robyn McMaster one can let the bloggers know in a comment on your blog. I’m grateful to have each of these blogs and you in my life. Your passions make me more. I’ve awarded each of you the award as influential in not just my life but in the lives of others. In no specific order:

  • Lia of Yum Yum CafĂ©. Making the world a better place whether teaching a class, teaching us, or just sharing a cup of coffee.

  • Ruthe of Studio Ruthe. Thank you for sharing your unique vision of the world through this wonderful media you intermix with creativity and passion.

  • Alice of My Wintersong. By staying in the now yet sharing bits of the past, you make the lives of others better.

  • Will on Tugster: A waterblog broadens my view of the world every single day.

  • Bowsprite is just that…a magical being that wakes us up with a smile. Wakes everybody who reads her too.

  • Ronni Bennett proves that age and skill win out in the end while she educates, shares, pokes, and delights us on her many pages.

  • Arbi looks at the world through my kind of eyes. Multi-creatively.

  • ~Voyageur who taught me that blogging doesn’t always have to be just a recording of a day.

  • Marion B who is still here despite a recalcitrant editor and lung cancer. Her creations inspire me.

  • Then there’s SoCalFrank who I do not always understand on the printed page. But I do in person.

  • Then too, there’s ThomaS. There certainly is.

  • John Bailey who taught me lots while making me realize that I too could write online. It’s all his fault you have me.

  • Martin Cox and Peter Knego’s Maritime Matters not only shows us the world of cruise ships and liners through blogs and pages, they keeps us up to date about the ocean world of today.

  • Dark Roasted Blend says grab a cuppa and journey along with me exploring the byways. And I do. Wow….and it is all out there.

  • And last but not least at all there is Morbid Anatomy which led me to A Repository for Bottled Monsters the unofficial Walter Reed Army Hospital Blog, which woke me up to all the other worlds alive and well out there. Please stop by and see what they are up to.

There’s a hundred and one wonderful blogs out there that I wish you would stop and visit. From blogging glimpses of my hometown at San Diego Daily Photo to moments spent on a Japanese Mountainside at, all are captivating and all share a unique vision of the world around them. I wish I could give an award to each and every one of you. Instead, I am setting sail for Alaska where I will get a chance to hug Seedys who is another blogger who sees the world from a different perspective.


  1. Mage, you well deserve the award and thank you for passing it on to me. You are a dear. How are you feeling the day after The News? Did you and G. manage to sit down and talk things through and calm your concerns?

  2. mage . . . thank you! i'm inspired by having you as a faithful reader and regular commenter. be well.

  3. You really do deserve the award just as lilalia says. Thanks for including me on your list, especially for the nice way your phrased my "contribution." Very nice. And as will says, I will ditto: "I'm inspired by having you as a faithful reader and regular commenter."



Celebration of Life