May 1, 2009

The Man of Many Noses

The man of many noses standing with his truck, “Bertha.” Wearing a costume to work, Halloween, 1993.

Himself: Had a bad day at work.

Herself: Swam, finished the entry thanks to the poetry group, and came home to find G home. I shared G’s bad day at work.

Reading: Nada

Balance: Out of……

Yup, he had one of those very bad days at work.

They took three groups into three separate rooms. Room one was kept on, indefinitely. Room two was laid off right then with a severance package and employment assistance. Room three will be laid off in two months or till the end of the year. G was in room Three.

The good things are that we have advanced notice, we have no outstanding bills tho we have ongoing bills, and if he sticks around till the end, he too will have a generous severance package. The vacation is paid for, so we will keep on packing. If a good job comes along, he will take it. Otherwise, he will do the work on the half bath himself.

The bad part is that I have security issues. That’s my problem. And there are no jobs out there.

A bow shot of the Serenade of the Seas with the Carnival Elation. April 2009.

Living with G has always tested these security issues, and I’ve never done anything much to make them better because of my learning disabilities. I've always been an artists. I've had a number of shows too. I’ve also been a pay clerk…that one didn’t work, a set decorator, a filing clerk…that one didn’t work either, an artist…and resorted to paste up and graphic art several times. Once I even took tickets at a movie theater. I was really a failure at counting money for the government. Just cause I am smart doesn’t mean I can do numbers.

Among other things, I’ve been a library aide, a recreation aide, a custodian, a security officer. I became a towing company lot manager so I could see what my husband looked like for a few years. I’ve relied on him to bring in the medical benefits….and he always has.

“It’ll be ok,” He keeps telling me.

Three giant cruise ships in town yesterday. The Swine Flu has the cruise lines trolling the coast of California not Mexico: Left to right: Sapphire Princess, Carnival Elation, Serenade of the Seas, and the USS Midway. April 2009.

He’s been as many odd things as I have. What he wanted to be was an army officer. After the military academy, he worked for a barbed wire company, a printing company, a house painter and his own company as a house painter, a tow truck driver, a car rental company, a computer program company…and an assortment of the other odds and ends jobs one over the years.

All but one of those jobs came with bennies.

I’d lie if I said I wasn’t going to worry. I’ll worry. I woke at three, tossing and turning, thinking until four when we got up. I’ll probably write about it a lot….writing helps.

So…we will write out a plan of attack, go on our trip, and see what happens next. Life is never boring.

The Carnival Elation with some of the crowds that came down to the Embarcadero to see the ships. April, 2009


  1. Oh I feel for you. I have security issues too. Hubby and I did survive 6 months of laid off in the '90s before he went on to work in Las Vegas at less pay. He would probably have never left the old job (after nearly 30 years) had he not been laid off, and after a year he was not only making as much as he had been, but by the time he retired he was making tons of money that helped us be where we are today--comfortable but a tiny bit nervous for the period ten years from now IF the economy doesn't turn around. Of course we hope and expect that it will. Try not to think of the glass half empty, but half full instead. Who knows where this will lead? It doesn't have to be a bad thing. I cross my fingers and toes for you!

  2. I am so sorry to hear the news. It's hard, there is no way around it. Go strategy to write things down. A friend of mine once suggested writing down best case scenarios and worse case scenarios and what would have to happen to make either come about. It's helped me a little over the last years of getting one short term contract after another. But, keep care of yourselves and hold your fears gently in your hands and find comfort where ever you can.

  3. Oh Mage, I'm so sorry to hear this. I've been there, several times. It is rarely as bad as you imagine; worry doesn't help. G sounds like a wonderfully resourceful person. Enjoy your trip and let the future take care of itself.

  4. Thank you three, so much. Yes, writing it all out helps. Planning helps. Our problem is he's a car guy, and all the car stuff is closing not hiring. We are going to take this very paid vacation, then come back to take the buyout. One thing at a time after that.


  5. Hi Maggie, I'm sorry to hear about G's job. Whenever I've been at my worst I try to remember that there are others out there in worse situations than I'm in. The best part is that you have each other. And an awesome vacation lined up. :)



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