Last week I received the “A Hoy Award” from a much admired, new blogger, Celeste Maia. She paints, draws, illustrates, and lifts the heart with her words and images. I appreciate her in my life, and I more than appreciate her thoughtfulness in giving me this award, and I apologize for not doing my part in passing it on a little sooner. I was caught up in moving to a new computer Saturday then doing it all over again on Sunday.
The A Hoy Award is named after Chris Hoy, the exceptional British track cyclist, Olympic medalist, and philanthropist.
A past recipient says: I'd like to think that receiving “A Hoy” will be different to most blog awards, because of the stipulation that one makes an onward award to at least two blogs that one has never seen before. It's a psychological thing. Suddenly having somebody turn up, out of the blue, and say 'your blog's cool: have an award,' has significant positive impact.”
I admit it is particularly difficult to pick only five excellent blogs for this award. There are crowds of special blogs that I list in my Postcards blog roll, and I feel duplicating an award would waste it. Making it especially difficult, but good, is the fact that the rules say two of the blogs must be new to me just at this time I am moving house…so to speak.
There are many bloggers who have touched me deeply such as ~Voyageur or Kalestra. They have vanished, and I miss them. Other favorites write behind the walls of hive sites like Marion B at Open Diary and are difficult for some to access. I regretted omitting writes on Open Diary where I keep a most popular blog.
The rules are:
1. Pick five blogs that you consider deserve this award.
2. The awarding blogger should choose at least two blogs not on his or her own blogroll.
3. Your five choices must be published in a dedicated post on your own blog. This post must contain the name of the author (which may be their logon name), and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.
4. In the same dedicated post, each winner has to show the award and acknowledge the blog that has given him or her the award.
5. Both those awarding and receiving A Hoy must show the link to A Hoy blog, so that everyone will know the origin of this award.”
Personally, I do not care if you show the award or pass it on.
1. John Bailey writes this year from deep in the Welch country side at Oldgreypoet.com. He was one of the first bloggers I discovered when I was new online. He inspired me to more. He showed me that our creations could keep getting better page after page. This gentleman who calls himself “The Old Grey Poet” began the first blog-roll of elder bloggers, Autumn Leaves. An artist, writer, and poet, he lives house to house with Graham and Dolly the Megacat.
2. Tugster takes the time in his Waterblog to teach us about the New York Harbor….the sixth Borough he calls it. Everyday he brings something new up for our consideration. Tugs yesterday, barges tomorrow, and today the famous fireboat the John J. Harvey. I never leave his pages without the desire to explore my world a little further, and my world is always a better place after visiting with his friends such as the Magical Bowsprite.
3. Ronni Bennett stirs us all up with her opinions, enthusiasms, and pronouncements. She may make you angry, you may find your self agreeing so passionately that you are pumping your fist in the air, but you will never be bored at “Time Goes By.” She’s gathered together the authors you need to read, the information you need to have, and a laugh or two to carry you on as you grow older. She offers the most comprehensive elder blog rolls, subject rolls, photo rolls, and a special place to share your stories. Now that you are out of breath, stop in and discover another new world.
4. The Brian Floca News Blog is a thoroly happy gathering of notes and videos on art, books and authors, drawings and inspirations. I admit to getting stuck following his links hither and yon on a day when I should have been creating a new computer. Nothing like a delightful imagination to carry one forward, and I am grateful he’s writing and illustrating for us all.
5. Speaking of passion and stirring one up, Betty Reid Soskin steps right out and declares, “individually, we're relatively powerless human beings who must combine forces in order to bring the change needed to move us forward as a people. …life experience out of which real change comes is collective, (and) collaborative…” She’s collaborating now….while becoming a published author on the black experience. She’s good for my soul.
As are you all. Thank you for being here.
I am going to visit your winnners. Very nicely done!