June 20, 2012

Face Time

Fog, lasers, and screams.  SD County Fair, 2012.

Himself:  He’s so good about going to the gym every morning, but he’s not being gentle with the murder of crows that live in the trees outside our condo.  Tuesday Movie Night continues a success with a third viewing of “The King’s Speech” last night.

Herself:  Gaining weight.  Breakfast is now veggies.  Lunch is a half sandwich and a V8.  It’s dinner that is the problem.  Deserts a bigger problem.  Vegan dinner then chocolate cake last night.  Speaking of guilt.

Reading:  The good adventure Mrs. Polifax and the Hong Kong Buddha. 

Writing:  Oh, guilt.  Nothing at all but my blog.

Balance:  Following the doctor’s orders and trying to keep my leg above my heart with bed and pillows.  Keeping still is hard for me.  Ommmmmmmmmm…..but the leg looks better.

Today my foot comes down off its pillows and I go to work at the store with a wonderful six box, book donation.  Joan, who prices books on Wednesdays from her wheelchair, cannot say that all the books are gone today.  Someone diligently put away all the books last week, and there was little for her to do.  Not this week.

I cheated.  The Geezer went shopping there Sunday, and I had peeked into the backroom.  There were three giant boxes of books just waiting for me.  Monday I stuck my head in to see if I could get them out of the way.  Though the first three boxes had been put on the sorting shelves, three more plastic crates of books were enthusiastically waiting for on me.

Mondays are the day when all the old yard sale stuff is brought into the stores.  This Monday, store life was complicated by a mountainous pile of move out things.  Some was awfully dirty.  Some was awfully nice.  At least they didn’t bring the kitchen sink.  

I fled as soon as I could for we were headed to the oculist to pick up G’s new sunglasses.  They are identical to his regular frames which he says are the most comfortable that he’s ever had.  Sort of scholarly looking round frames.  Not at all modern.  So when looking for new frames for me, I zeroed in on an almost identical pair.  Roundish….gunmetal black instead of my usual red, and really marvelously comfortable instead of miserably smashing my nose into perpetual discomfort as the current pair do.  I’m a selfish, selfcentered me when my glasses hurt my face.


  1. Just found you through Dianne's blog. Engaging photos, observations and chronicles. Are you perchance a fan of Mrs. Pollifax?

  2. Nothing like comfort when it comes to your face and nose. I nominated you for an award! Go read!

  3. Congrats on your award...I would have named you as well. Books...oh how I would love a job of sorting through books...but i know I would lose many minutes glancing through many of them before they reached the shelves.
    My favorite pair of glasses were a peach color with huge frames...love them and I wish I still had them today.

  4. I suggest you allow yourself dessert every evening. But a very small amount, just enough to savor. I have one or two pieces of chocolate when craving sweets at night. No pieces of pie or cake...just two or three bites. That is enough and yet will not really add to your calories. Keep at it with your diet, because with your foot it will be hard to lose via exercise.

  5. You so deserve that Sunshine Award! There are two things I believe most important to achieve for my total happiness no matter the cost: good supportive shoes, and light-weight good-fitting glasses! If my feet and eyes are happy, I'm happy!



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