July 14, 2014

Books, Books....2

Here cookbooks at the store….50% off this week.

Here at home, I am just about done dusting the books both upstairs and down.  I’d do a shelf and get caught up in a volume.  Another shelf and another book would catch my eye.  The whole project would have gone vastly faster is I didn’t enjoy my books so much.

I rediscovered Carolyn G. Heilbrun’s “The Last Gift of Time, Life Beyond Sixty” just as I was moving May Sarton’s books.  She gives us a chapter about Sarton, and I was delighted to discover her thoughts on this writer much like mine.  Sarton was angry.  Heilbrun thinks it because she wasn’t considered a very important writer.  She wanted more adulation than she got.  I think she was angry because she wasn’t a man.  In the end, all that anger – volume after volume, drove me away from her words.

The Vorkosigan Saga offered me a string of very damaged paperbacks.  They really need to be replaced asap.  Some of the Moon space operas are mold and dust damaged too.  I can’t find all the Hornblower’s, but I did find both of Marion B’s published volumes.  Living at the beach is very hard on fabrics and paper, and I collect fabrics and paper.

Later this week, I shall delve into the art storage bins in the garage.  Did I mention dust.  Yes, I am laughing.

  • Himself:  Hard at work then to Poway for a meeting.

  • Herself:  Trying out G’s office chair as I can no longer sit in mine.

  • Reading:  The last two JA Jance Beaumont volumes. 

  • Balance:  Water aerobics this morning.


    1. I read some of Sarton and left her for the same reason. Loved Heilbronn. The last Gift of Time should be read when you are younger. Heilbronn was disappointed, bitter and disappointing at the end of her life.

      PS you are right. I was last in Vegas in 1983. Flew on to LA from there to meet one of my contractors. Those were the jet set days. Went to an AA/alanon meeting in Vegas. Heard the funniest story I ever heard about a guy trying to fly back from Mexico to a rehab in the States. His buddies kept giving him a send off of booze. It took three times before he was sober enough to board the plane.

    2. Speaking of books, I have twice recently tried to get into an art mystery and twice found my eyes beginning to roll. I hopes it's more a problem with the book than with me.

    3. We are a mile from beach and humidity in south MS is usually relentless. But not today. Mini-polar vortex has banished humidity and brought pleasant temps.

      It actually feels like we are visiting west coast although we are traveling to Louisiana to see family. Tomorrow is predicted to be more summer weather.



    Celebration of Life