July 15, 2014

Underpinnings - Plus

A new chair.

I came home from my first post muscle-snap aerobics class and not only fell asleep at my computer, but was in agony the rest of the day.  I tried G’s chair, and the pain went away.  G tried my chair, and he was miserable.  My recovery was being hampered by a totally worn out office chair.

The new one is on its way.

...and the new one arrived right after dinner.  It's amazing how much better I feel after sitting in it.

  • Himself:  Worked an Audit queue in the morning and his work in the afternoon.  Call him the relief man.
  • Herself:  Finally began to feel human again around three.  Did Aerobics-lite today.
  • Reading:  Only one more of JA Jance’s Beaumont mysteries to go.  I will miss his company in my days.
  • Balance:  Finishing up the living room workspace.  Seeing Margot, Zoe, and her two visitors in the morning.


    1. Well for goodness sake. Tell me the name of this chair. I too need a new chair

      Why do you punish yourself with miserable workouts?

    2. ARe those the Herman Miller chairs? WE got those at the job before my last and had them personally fitted even. I just loved them!!

    3. Congratulations on a new chair. I hope it resolves many of your problems.

    4. Good for you. I've been there. I had a worn out old computer chair and the sore neck to match. A new one took care of those aches. I hope your new chair is the end to your discomfort also.

    5. I need a new chair, also. Tell us about G's and what you are getting.

    6. A co-worker in my office has that type of chair and I sat in it the other and said, I need this chair. Then another co-worker who happens to be one of our Union Stewards (yes I belong to a union) said he thinks that some of my back problems and his back problems are being caused or at least made worse by our awful and cheap office chairs. So he's trying to get us the same type of chair you are buying! Where are you getting yours from?

    7. Chairs can break you... physically! That new chair looks like it might be a comfortable one. I've had trouble with my legs swelling -- it's the heat. :/

    8. With a bad back, I have a problem with many chairs. All the best.

    9. It cost more but is well worth it.

    10. Happy sitting! Hope recovery is less painful or pain-free with proper support.



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