August 15, 2017


He called me just as I was settling in to my Monday nights at home routine.  He reached Poway, and just after he rounded his last corner it began sounding like a buzz bomb.  I reminded him that we have the fancy AA towing package and drove over to the dealer to meet him.  Now we know that a transmission for a Toyota Corolla will be $4000.

We note that we are not homeless, and now have a car and a truck.  We are reminded the quality of our problems has now improved.


  1. Oh my word! I guess you could say it's all relative -- we paid almost that for Robert's two cataract surgeries. As you say, "the quality of our problems has now improved!" We are continually blessed in this life -- but the greatest gift of all is our friendship!

  2. Wow! That's a whopper. and it doesn't sound like it's under warranty.

    1. Nope, the car is 12 years old now. The new rebuilt transmission will have a warrante.

  3. Wouldn't want to get along without AAA. What a good attitude you have.

  4. Yup....nothin' like them thar high class expensive problems.

  5. I have a friend who says, "If money can fix it, it's not a problem." Personal issues are not as easily fixed as a transmission.

  6. I know. Problems have a totally different level and I am thankful that this is your problem today and not something else.

  7. That's not a very welcome repair bill -- hope all else goes smoothly.



Celebration of Life