August 16, 2017


Out of focus us after action.

Ok, we have a new major drain line from the kitchen, we have a new garbage disposal that actually works right instead of flooding the kitchen, my new partial is paid for, we arranged for car repair money, paid for the day’s surprise dentist appointment, and picked up antibiotics for an infected tooth. 

We certainly have taken action lately.  Like a pill.  Instead of sitting and worrying, he made a bunch of phone calls, I looked up transmission shop scams, we arranged enough money to cover the car in its misery, and ate chocolate for desert.  Both transmission shops started their spiels with the remark that they had to open it up.  No…that’s not it.  The dealer did an inspection and told us the sounds were coming from an axel.  That’s better.

In the meantime, I’m taking antibiotics four times a day and am off to shuffle books at the Shop.  He is at work and can easily handle the dealer.

  • Himself:  Hoping it is an axel.  Lite queue at work will help his day.
  • Herself:  Groceries: Fish with homemade tartare sauce, southern style green beans, and tiny corn muffins for dinner last night.  Chicken Kabobs tonight over one of those obscure grains.  Tomorrow polish sausage in red cabbage.  And the other muffins.  Not thin foods.
  • Reading:  …about Queen Elizabeth II.
  • Gratitude’s:  Boy am I.


  1. Taking care of business is wonderful! Great photo, Mage. You both look happy!

  2. Oh!! An axle is much preferable than a transmission!!! Which dealer do you use?? The kids have Toyotas...

    1. Morning....we use Mossy Toyota in PB. They have always been really good to us.

  3. You both look fabulous in the attached photo. Hope the car situation gets fixed. Hate car problems. That's usually when I throw up my hands and say, "let's buy a new car." Can't do that as easily now, in retirement, as I did when employed.

  4. Dinner at Mr A's I see.........

  5. Your attitude is quite refreshing. I think I would be quite despondent over such a series of expenses.

    1. In the old days, yes. Not now. We are so lucky.

  6. Blogger suddenly shut down on me so I don't know if my comment went through. Big expenses are only supposed to come in threes, not sixes. Hope those antibiotics do the trick.

  7. I do so love this photo of the both of you looking so elegant. I'm doing great, Mage. Having a good time. Thank you for asking.



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