September 12, 2017


G stepping up to the Denver & Silverton Narrow Gauge engine 482.

Equafax let itself get hacked, and we like millions of others are taking action today. 

NBC Nightly News recommends taking strong action such as getting fraud alerts from all three reporting agencies.  Consider paying for an identity theft monitoring service.  Set up fraud alerts on your bank accounts and credit cards.  Get a copy of your credit report from  Annual Credit Report.Com And check it every 3 months.  Freeze your credit reports too. is another good source of information.

Yes, we are taking care of all that this morning.

I’ve written to DA telling her we are arriving.  I’ll send an email and a letter to youngest daughter telling us our schedule too.  Slowly we get ready for almost everything.  Not quite ready for my birthday though.  It was yesterday, and I let it flow on by me as if it were of only marginal importance.

Today we will celebrate.

  • Himself:  Taaking time off to go to the bank and to call the credit reporting agencies.
  • Herself:  Doing the non-major credit cards.  Hope to get back to work on that last panel today.  We were both ill yesterday. Sumpun we ate.
  • Reading:  One of the Cadells.

  • Gratitude’s:  For feeling so well.


    Celebration of Life